July opens and closes with Mars stirring the pot. The warrior planet surely set off some fireworks around the 4th of July, and when Jupiter and Mars meet up at month-end, expect a big bang. Financial markets, fanatics of all sorts and fist fights abound.
Aries: Creative juices flow this month and you make a point of enjoying those pastimes that you love. When romance heads your way, try not to be too aggressive. Let it happen, don’t push it. Some unexpected money issues arise that require some adjustments in the budget. No worries, you’ll figure things out.
Taurus: You’re bubbling over with ideas; some are way out there and shock your friends. You are thinking way outside the box. Go with the flow because you are on to something. In the lead-up to the Full Moon, you gather those close to you around for a good gab fest with plenty to eat and drink. Bounce those ideas around.
Gemini: You’re figuring out what is important to you. A lot has happened in the past year and you are changing your priorities. Take some time to think things through. Have those important conversations and take some needed action. By month-end you should have your ducks in a row. Progress is possible.
Cancer: July 9th New Moon is your new moon, in Cancer. This is a great time for you to start something new or make some changes. Sometimes it is as simple as a new hairdo, at other times you may wish to make deeper changes. Your plans for the future have been evolving. This is a good time to pin those hopes for the future down.
Leo: You mull things over before you take action. A lot is going on behind the scenes and below the surface with you. No one knows as you keep private things private. You may wish to be private, but you attract friends and acquaintances who insist on getting you out and about. You can remain private and enjoy yourself at the same time.
Virgo: This month holds variety for you. You make connections, have conversations and get totally social at times. At other times you prefer the solitary down time to process all that is going on with you. On the 21st you become the belle of the ball when Venus enters your sign. Popularity and helpful people signify this transit.
Libra: This period favors your natural inclination to socialize and gather together with likeminded individuals. Your network responds to your social vibe, and you manage to connect with old friends and make new ones. This is great for you. An old friendship may morph into something new and exciting.
Scorpio: While you are not comfortable being center stage or in the spotlight, that is where you are during this period. You get noticed and receive recognition. Most of this is good, but there may be a few thick heads in the crowd. You manage them quite well. Your social life improves along with your business associations.
Sagittarius: While you ponder the mysteries of the universe, you’re also thinking about getting away to a faraway place. You may not be able to do that at this point, but it is a good time to lay the foundation for that big trip. You’re attracted to big ideas that let you get a handle on the big picture. Put all this to practical use.
Capricorn: Relationships, new ones, old ones, shift and change. It is hard to keep track. Folks are changing and so are you. Your values are changing and you begin to appreciate people and things that weren’t so important to you before this. No worries for there are better things on the horizon. Hang on.
Aquarius: Saturn in your sign activates your organization bug. Clear off the desk, clean out the closet and throw out the useless. That is just part of your routine these days. Some unexpected happenings liven your days and spark your interests. Relationships move to the forefront at the Full Moon. Chill, all is well.
Pisces: This period brings a mixture of daydreams and practical applications to your day-to-day life. At times you seem almost mystical and visionary, while at others you are rock solid real life. The trick is to take those visions and apply them to your life. Give it some thought and you will make that happen.