Aries: As summer winds down, you become more active. With no heat waves to hinder you, you get out and start moving. You engage in some meaningful conversations with those close to you. Mid-month, those conversations may become more heated. Don’t get angry, but do get your point across.
Taurus: While you are not quite ready to give up summer’s fun and games, you do begin some of that annual fall tidying up and organizing. You manage to juggle that with some interesting conversations and get-togethers with some of your more mystical friends. Your standing in the community becomes important.
Gemini: While you seem light-hearted and full of fun, there is some serious stuff going on with you beneath the surface. This could have something to do with your childhood or something/someone from the past. Don’t let it spoil your fun, you’ll figure it out sooner or later. In the meantime, take the fun when it comes.
Cancer: The Crab is busy these days. Action occurs on a lot of levels, from the serious and very personal to the fun, carefree activities that take your mind off all the heavy stuff going on. You manage to maintain an even keel. Some unusual action from the friend sector holds some surprises for you. A conversation is called for.
Leo: Have serious conversations about money and what is important to you. Your personal relationships come under scrutiny. While some are worthwhile and worth the effort, others no longer serve your highest good. Get it all sorted out before month-end when Mercury goes retrograde. You feel like spiffing up your personal space.
Virgo: September’s New Moon in Virgo infuses you with the energy to make some changes. This is a good time for you to begin to make those changes; you might not see results for a while, but the energy is there for you to plant seeds of change. There’s a lot going on in your daily routine; figure out what matters to you the most.
Libra: While you are open and up front with everyone, there is much going on behind the scenes. No matter what it is, you so enjoy the lovely conversations and interactions you are having with those around you. There is a mix of the serious and the fun stuff. You take care of business, but also take advantage of the fun stuff.
Scorpio: When Venus moves into your sign on the 11th, don’t be tempted by some luxury item that you can’t seem to resist. Resist! Do take advantage of the many social engagements that come your way. Venus attracts and brings the fun. Don’t ignore other issues that are more serious. Remember to take care of business.
Sagittarius: This month features interaction with folks from all aspects of your life. The personal, professional and the casual are all thrown into the mix. You think about changing direction or moving to a different space — not necessarily on the physical plane, but mentally and emotionally. Give it some thought. A conversation with a friend helps.
Capricorn: You may be feeling extravagant with Jupiter in your money sector, but Saturn also is there, and Saturn, your ruler, puts the brakes on. Saturn says spend it wisely. Money matters aside, some romance and other enjoyable activities head your way during this period. When you talk, people listen.
Aquarius: September brings you some favorable reviews. Don’t let it go to your head. Saturn in your sign is sure to set you straight if you get too cocky. Jupiter also is there like a guardian angel. It’s like a tug of war with these guys, and you’re in the middle. Keep your feet on the ground and do what you think is best.
Pisces: The ping pong ball bounces back and forth between you and the significant others in your life. Conversations are deep and probing. Keep a cool head and stay the course. You know what you want and where you stand. Don’t get muddled. Remember to breathe, and be sure to take a breath before you answer.