Aries: Usually you don’t care about your reputation, public image or standing in the community as you are fiercely independent and will go your own way no matter what. But the planetary lineup for January puts you in the public eye and these things take on added importance. Your independence wins the battle, if there is one.
Taurus: Although sure about where and what direction you are heading in, something has shifted and your desires and hopes for the future have altered as a result of that shift. A desire to break free from the usual norms has emerged. Conversations with a friend or an authority figure help to clear the way.
Gemini: Shared views, resources and those amongst your acquaintances with whom you are simpatico spring to the fore. There may be some contentious conversations during this month. These are healthy conversations and involve things that need to be said. Express yourself freely, share your ideas and get your point across.
Cancer: Rethink that relationship, review those contracts and be on the alert for someone from the past to reemerge. An old lover, a freaky friend or long-ago co-worker are among the possibilities. No matter who or what comes along you have got your ducks in a row. Don’t ignore the urge to exercise.
Leo: Conversations with your intimates, colleagues and various acquaintances result in a change in your routine. You’ve listened to some suggestions and tossed out others. You needed some outside input because of some sudden changes that threw you for a loop. Someone older and wiser may have some good advice.
Virgo: Your ruler, Mercury, goes retrograde mid-month. You will be busy getting organized before that time. After that time, you will review what you have done and make changes to streamline your life. An old flame appears or you might be reconsidering a current relationship. Things are not what you thought they’d be.
Libra: A lot of activity around your home and neighborhood keeps you hopping. You do a juggling act between work/home while trying to keep all facets and people in your life satisfied and in order. It may be time to take time for yourself. Something artsy, frivolous and joyful is in order.
Scorpio: You enter into a busy period during January. Conversations, appointments and social engagements have you on the go all the time. Faraway places beckon you but so much is going on near home that you’ll have to be sticking around for a while. That does not mean you can’t plan and dream for that next trip.
Sagittarius: While most folks are hunkering down for the winter you are up, about and rearing to go. Mars in your sign reinforces your usual restless energy. Use that extra energy wisely. Burn off some of the excess with a foray into the great outdoors. Any exploration, whether physical, mental or spiritual, will feed your soul.
Capricorn: The New Moon in your sign on the 2nd was like your personal New Year. You may decide to make some changes, these can be huge and ground shattering or simply small tweaks to your routine, or anywhere in between. The energy is there and you will feel it as it will lift you out of the winter doldrums whether you like it or not.
Aquarius: You vacillate between being solitary and sociable. You feel the pull of both and try to walk and maintain the balance between the two. Friends beckon with the promise of fun and adventure. Sudden upsets on the home front may prevent you from joining them. Be wary of spending too much on an item you feel you must have.
Pisces: Jupiter, your co-ruler, now in your sign promises big things coming up. When Jupiter comes calling it is “lucky break” time. The drawback here is “to much of a good thing.” Try to avoid excess and take advantage of the spiritual awakening that Jupiter will provide. He’s bringing you the big picture. Take a look!