Lunar Notes

Lunar Notes: February 2022

The month of February is a “moving forward” month. Mercury goes direct on Feb 3 and Venus is direct as well. For the romantically inclined, Venus and Mars running together sets off sparks. They form an exact alignment on Feb 16, a good time to get out there and socialize. 

Aries: You spend some time on inner contemplation as you decide what your next moves are. You’ve got some new goals that have you rethinking your plans for the future. January was the time to revise and review, February is the time to move forward. No big rush, take some baby steps. Friends offer great support.

Taurus: You agitate for some recognition. You have been putting a lot of effort into projects and plans and you deserve it: Don’t be shy. You’re busy at work and busy at home. The challenge is to create a healthy balance between the two. Take the time for some fun stuff: Music, dance, a museum visit to feed the soul. You need it.

Gemini: You forego your usual light and airy actions and conversations for some more serious stuff. There’s an inner dialogue going on with you as you probe deeply into your own psyche. You ask the serious questions. Conversations with a wise, sage-like type open your eyes to more possibilities. Keep those convos going. Your world opens up. 

Cancer: You question the validity and the need for some of your current relationships. You need folks in your life who share your values and sense of responsibility. A change in your alignments occurs without any effort on your part. Some people fall away while new people enter your life. The results bring some stimulating conversations.

Leo: Relationships move to the front burner. Some in your circle shock you, others bore you and some offer steady support and companionship. Attention turns to your daily routine and efforts are made to clear things up on that front so you operate more efficiently. Look for some on-the-job fun and socializing to brighten your days.

Virgo: You’ve had enough of taking care of business and are ready for some fun. When you partake of the activities that bring you joy, you become like a child with the wonder of it all. It’s not all fun and games though for you as you initiate and incorporate some new ideas and routines that make your daily life easier to manage. 

Libra: You play catch up on the home front as the recent past has kept you busy and on the go. Now is the time for you to settle in and think about what works on a deeply personal level and what keeps your foundation solid so you can rock on happily. A relationship, lover or friend from the past resurfaces. This could be interesting.

Scorpio: Life gets busy for you. February is non-stop. Some folks shock you; some folks think they are fooling you. If they are, Scorpio does not get fooled for long. You take care of business and have some serious, sober conversations. It needs to be said. This does not mean that you are not up for some fun and games: You are, enjoy!

Sagittarius: Reviewing the budget brings to mind the things that are important to you. You may eliminate some “stuff” that has cluttered up your life. You are working out what “works” for you and not what other people think is good for you. Some technical glitches or disruptions may delay you but you soldier on.

Capricorn: With Venus and Mars in your sign one minute you attract and the next minute you have to go out and get it. Mercury there as well promises that you will not be wasting words but will get to the meat of the matter right away. Things get interesting and your world opens up in unusual ways.

Aquarius: February kicks off with the New Moon in your sign. This signals new beginnings and changes you might wish to make. You begin with some serious self-examination. Schedules may be tough to maintain as unexpected disruptions seem to be the order of the day. As the month winds down, you shift gears and take action.

Pisces: Friends, acquaintances and professional contacts bring activity of all sorts into your life. Pleasant social stuff to be sure, but some encounters may be serious and have far-reaching results. Serious conversation and thought is in order. Your life becomes a bit topsy-turvy as the unexpected comes calling.