Spring officially begins when the Sun enters tropical Aries on March 20. The horoscope for that moment contains some interesting dynamics.
The season should start off with a bang. Venus and Mars in Aquarius engage in a not-so-nice way with Uranus in Taurus. Venus is peace, Mars is war and Uranus is anything goes. While we are focused on international conflicts, viruses, finances, inflation and other mundane stuff, Uranus sits there with the card of complete surprise up his sleeve. If you can think of it, that’s not it. Blindsided is the key word here. And prepare for the wild wind along the northeast corridor of the USA. Jupiter with Neptune in Pisces speaks of oil, gas, Big Pharma and some freakish weather. When Mars joins the party mid-to-late May things can get explosive.
The April 1 New Moon in Aries brings on money woes with inflation and budgets on everyone’s mind. Venus says spend it; Saturn says be frugal. Transportation, school kids and overblown media messages are thrown into the pot. Rumor rules the day. The Full Moon on the 16 across the Aries/Libra axis brings the possibility of compromise and agreements, locally, internationally and on a personal level. Treaties, border disputes, deception and promising more than one can give are some of the issues brought into the open air with Jupiter and Neptune prominent at this Full Moon. In personal relationships be sure to be clear about where you stand and what you want and need in a relationship. Venus in Pisces sees all relationships through rose colored glasses believing “this is my soul mate.” Beware, we all have feet of clay.
April 30 brings us a juicy Solar Eclipse in Taurus. The Sun and Moon in alignment with Uranus promises a time of surprise. Finances are in the forefront with emphasis on the working class. Wages, working conditions, food supplies and public health grab our attention. Here again the need is to get clear information before forming an opinion. In our everyday life we awaken to the sacredness of the normal routine. Things we take for granted take on a spiritual aura.
On May 10 Mercury goes retrograde. You know the drill with retrograde Mercury, be ready for miscommunications, indecision and a change in plans. This is a good time to research, plan and complete projects already begun. Don’t begin anything new until Mercury goes direct on June 3. It pays to be flexible when Mercury is retrograde. On the same day Jupiter enters Aries: expect a lot of activity around this date. Something hidden moves into the light of day.
On May 16 a total Lunar Eclipse visible in all of New England occurs. With Sun in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio, issues of power and control surface. With Mars joining Neptune expect some explosive, “earthquaky” stuff, literally or figuratively. Mercury retro in Gemini reminds us that words have power. When there is chaos around you strive for a calm center and speak with kindness and caring. You want to create healing not cause more damage.
The New Moon on May 30 in Gemini brings a breath of fresh air. Retrograde Mercury engages in some serious talk with Pluto. Mars in Aries, with Jupiter, rattles the saber. Jupiter gives Mars a lot of confidence. Be wary of being too aggressive during this period. It can backfire on you. This is an aspect that does not encourage moderation. Venus in Taurus is strong and encourages joint efforts. This is a good time to hang with your peeps. We attract and are attracted to folks with similar interests and values.
At the Full Moon on June 14 Mercury is at last direct. Projects and people move in forward motion. With Venus and Uranus together in Taurus expect some jolts in the stock market, food prices and diplomatic relations. In the life of us everyday folks Venus/Uranus combos can bring some exciting love relationships into our lives. Sex can be earthy, wild and kinky under this aspect, but Taurus loves stability and Uranus wants anything but.
The season closes with the issues that concerned us at the start of Spring still playing a big role in our everyday life. While budgets and money matters are real and concrete issues that we have to deal with, it is important that we look beneath the surface. Events poke and prod us to look deeper and find out what is really important to us. What is it that you value the most? What is important in the scheme of things? Give it some serious thought, you’ll be surprised at what comes to the surface.