Warmer Than I Remember
If you start walking toward downtown from The Scurvy Dog, you’ll go right by his house. “She took me home from the bar, but I lived in the opposite direction […]
Soul, funk, and disco.
March 14 @ 10:00 pm - March 15 @ 2:00 amOne of the three big parades that split the Saturdays of March. Ends at St Augustine’s Church. Featuring all kinds of bands, clowns, reenactors, organizations and oh, so much green.
March 15 @ 11:00 am - 2:00 pmLocally based masters of blues music.
March 15 @ 8:00 pm - 11:00 pmNew Orleans-based singer/songwriter and guitarist who melds West Coast rock, swampy Gulf Coast R&B, hard country, and Memphis soul into a hybrid that blazes a trail of its own.
March 15 @ 8:00 pm - 11:00 pmPhil Lesh of the Grateful Dead birthday show by a tribute band.
March 15 @ 9:00 pm - March 16 @ 12:00 amSpring mid-season performance.
March 16 @ 12:00 pm - 5:00 pmTribute to famed old-tiimey saxophonist Charlie Parker.
March 16 @ 6:00 pm - 9:30 pmBluegrass and old-time string band delivers a relentless groove to accompany their tight 3-part harmonies.
March 19 @ 8:30 pm - 11:30 pmElectric blues saxophonist, singer, songwriter, arranger, and record producer.
March 20 @ 8:00 pm - 11:00 pmThis classic musical follows a Baker and his wife, who wish to have a child; Cinderella, who wishes to attend the King’s Festival; and Jack, who wishes his cow would
March 21 - April 6If you start walking toward downtown from The Scurvy Dog, you’ll go right by his house. “She took me home from the bar, but I lived in the opposite direction […]
“I have no idea what she does for a living.” We’re sitting on her couch. It’s a couch in a living room in an apartment on America Street on the […]
“My wife used to love Bruce. All she’d play is Bruce. Let me tell you, Bruce Springsteen ever showed up at the door, I was out, boy. I was a […]
“I had the worst temper of anyone I’d ever met. That was before I went back to holding people. My life was really missing connection and intimacy, and allowing myself […]
“I think if 10 people show up, I’ll be happy.” He invited closer to 30. “Ten would be nice, but even if one person shows up, I’m going to be […]
“He’s what I need to give up. Just him. Him and I’m good.” She tells me that for the New Year, she’s changing the locks and deleting his number from […]
“The last time she was here, it felt forced. It felt like we were trying too hard. I know I felt that way, but I still wanted to try. This […]
“He knows it’s my reindeer. Let him say whatever he wants, but he knows damn well that reindeer is mine.” I got a tip that there was a custody battle […]
“There’s a system for the books. I don’t know what it is, but — I look at a book and I know where it belongs — on what shelf. It’s […]
“This would have been her big Thanksgiving, because she was always saying how, you know, when she was gone, if we all could do the holidays and not ‘eff’ it […]