A substantial raunch-com, this latest Scorpio Film Releasing movie follows a gay secret agent/superhero who combats the forces of repression that have taken over the US in a dystopian future that seems a whole lot less ridiculous now than it did a few years ago when the film was being written.
Although chock full of political subtext, there is no mention of any actual current politicians – this is future-set farce filled with over-the-top characters, visual jokes, self-referential humor and throw-away puns. The pacing works and the tone is entertaining, and solid comedic acting manages to engage us with what are essentially two-dimensional characters. But in this gay romp it’s the meta humor and coy references that win the day. Republicans are mega-maniacal, the homosexual undergound’s enforcers are the “k.d. lang fan club” and kegel balls are the health care industry’s cure-all panacea. Pretty much any group is a fair satirical target, and by the end the hijinks attain interstellar proportions.
Code Name: Dynastud was filmed in Rhode Island (full disclosure: including scenes at Motif) and features a large cast of local actors, led by Anthony Gaudette as agent Dynastud, Derek Laurendeau as the innocent “chosen one” and crazy-eyed Bruce Church as a shoot-first-and-launch-a-diatribe later right-wing presidential candidate. Produced by Ted Marr and directed by Richard Griffin, the story was written by Lenny Schwartz, Duncan Pflaster and many more. The premiere sold out, with an encore screening Nov 18, 5:30pm at the Route One Cinema Pub, 652 E. Washington St. (US 1) in North Attleboro, Mass.