
Film Review
Dark Star: H.R. Giger’s World


darkDark Star is a documentary that gives us an intimate view of the life and world of acclaimed artist H.R. Giger. We are treated to interviews with those who knew him best as well as given limited, but important background information on his upbringing. The film documents his cluttered home, a trip to an Austrian exhibition and the opening of the H.R. Giger Museum, and unintentionally gives us an inner circle record of what may have been his last public appearances. Giger unfortunately passed away four months after filming wrapped.

What makes Dark Star work so well is that it is indeed a look into Giger’s world. The talking heads interviewed are not all art critics and adoring celebrity fans, but rather we are told all about Giger by close figures like his wife, mother-in-law, ex partners, assistants and close friends who worked with him throughout his career. What could have been an entertaining fluff piece becomes an in-depth discussion of the things that made Giger who he is, from fears to fascinations. From the first time he wandered into a gallery with a tube of rolled up prints under his arm to the opening of an entire museum dedicated to his work, we get an informative encapsulation of his career. Now that’s not to say that this is a thoroughly comprehensive document of Giger’s life and career, but this movie will certainly intrigue and entertain die hard fans as well as those with a passing interest. It would be well worth your time to seek this documentary out.

See Dark Star at the Cable Car starting May 15. 

Dark Star: H.R. Giger’s World (2014), Dir: Belinda Sallin, Featuring: H.R. Giger, Stanislav Grof, Carmen Maria Giger