Lunar Notes

Lunar Notes

Forecast Period:  November 15, 2012 to December 13, 2012


Aries:  Get ready for some changes in the financial situation. Pay off any debt you have and try not to incur new debt. A career move proves beneficial and may relieve your financial worries, but err on the side of caution and stash the cash while you’ve got it. You have grand ideas, so put them to use in your daily routine and revise your work methods. Networking pays off in unexpected ways.


Taurus:  Partnerships, love affairs, and all personal relationships continue under stressful circumstances.  Big changes are in store in that area of your life. A casual love affair reaches the commitment stage; a long-term commitment comes to an end. Whatever the situation, be sure to allow for complete discussion and understanding of where each party is coming from before making changes.


Gemini:  Be sure to put a healthy diet and exercise regime into your daily routine as bad habits will catch up to you now. You are laboring under more responsibility while keeping your senses alert to new opportunities and ideas. Your eye is on the big picture and foreign shores even as you manage the everyday humdrum of your life. Remain open to the new and on the alert for the lucky break.


Cancer:  While children may leave home or return home, most Cancers are entertaining the prospect of new romance and new avenues of creative expression. This can be merely a clever email response or an epic novel and all stages in between. Some love affairs get really serious, while others flame with passion and burn out quickly. Be wary of those into power and control. Listen to your gut.


Leo:  Big changes in the domestic environment – moving in, moving out, redecorating, or reorganizing.  Conflict with significant others in your life requires clear, unemotional thinking and discussion, which is rather difficult when the situation is filled with intense emotion. Step back and take a breath. In your vast network of friends and acquaintances, there is a special one with special advice. Take heed.


Virgo:  Your immediate environment is subject to change along with your mental attitude and some long-held ideas and beliefs. You are doing some serious thinking about where you’re going and where you want to be. A career move may be on the agenda or some advancement in your present position. Romance develops with someone established and with social standing.


Libra:  Your financial picture is changing. If you’ve handled finances well in the past, you should be in good standing. If you’ve maxed out your credit cards, you’ll have to live with that fact. Whatever the case, you are now looking at what it is that makes you feel secure. Often money is not a part of that equation. Looking within brings you to a faraway place. Here you will find solutions.


Scorpio:  You make big changes now in your personal appearance, your job, your home, and how you look at life. There’s a huge attitude change that goes along with all of this. Your life is busy and you are quite active in and around town. A monetary windfall arrives – a tax rebate or an insurance payoff that you were not expecting. You find innovative ways to make the boring daily stuff exciting.


Sagittarius:  You’re especially conscious of your physical and mental health and look for ways to ensure that you maintain good health in all of its aspects. Discussions with loved ones get heated when the subject of money comes up. Be sure you know what you are talking about before you open your mouth. You’ve got some good, if unusual, ideas that reflect just who you really are.


Capricorn:  You are entering a period where old friends leave and new friends arrive on the scene. Some of these new friends are beneficial, while others are problematic. You have reached a goal you set for yourself and now it is time to plan anew. You’re energized and raring to go. You’ve got the stamina now to complete whatever you start. Don’t get belligerent; try a little diplomacy first.


Aquarius:  Your professional life and your standing in the community are subject to change, bringing a shift in your aims and ambitions. This could end up being a major lifestyle change. While work and career objectives remain on the front burner, don’t neglect your social life. Romance is all around you; get out there and socialize and make connections. True love is around the corner.


Pisces:  A spiritual awakening has you questioning all that you have believed in. This sends you on a new spiritual quest. Travel plans may have to be put on hold due to legal issues or miscommunication.  You’re comfortable being an armchair traveler as your home and private space provide solace and security. New friends enter your life while the old ones prove their worth.