Aries: Aries undergoes an attitude change during this period. While you usually prefer to go it alone, and still do, you find on occasion the need for some companionship, be it friends, co-workers or a more romantic type. Don’t let work and/or career demands take over your life. Take the time to chill and enjoy.
Taurus: You go through some shifts and changes in attitude during this period. Not only are you changing, but so are the people around you. While most of your interactions with others are pleasant, there are a few head-to-head confrontations that you could do without. Unfortunately, you can’t avoid them. Speak your truth.
Gemini: Conversations with friends, co-workers and lovers keep things lively for you. One of these folks hands you a big surprise. Be ready for someone or something that opens your eyes to the new and different, enlarging your universe. Ever-curious Gemini is ready for it. Take care of business before you head out for some fun times.
Cancer: You get creative when solving some everyday problems and issues. You handle the unpleasant with diplomacy and a gentleness that endears you to those around you. Someone gets quite passionate — could be you. Pay attention to details and be sure you know what you are getting yourself into before you sign or agree.
Leo: A change in where you are heading in life is not unpleasant. For the most part, you have some pleasant and lovely social exchanges. But there is a fly in the ointment; one fly seems to want to argue when there is really nothing to argue about. You manage to handle it with charm, style and grace.
Virgo: The pace of your everyday life picks up; some of the activities you enjoy, while others, well, you have to do it. Get through it and get over it — the sooner the better. Someone is cranky and you don’t need them nagging you about things left undone. A money matter is held up. Expect it to clear mid to late month.
Libra: Things are looking up as you get involved in a pre-holiday social whirl. You are popular and attract people and invitations by the bucketful. You are ready for it. Some money issue has been cleared up and you are ready to rock. A passionate someone crosses your radar. You are interested. Take a look, you never know.
Scorpio: You hear and heed the call for the new and different in your life. This could be as simple as a haircut or more involved. Possibilities include job, home and the beginning or ending of a relationship. The money situation improves, and you are involved in some serious conversations about money and what you hold dear.
Sagittarius: Your planetary ruler, Jupiter, enters your sign during this period. For you, this means a year of good fortune and widening vistas. Be on the lookout for lucky breaks and serendipitous moments. Beware of overindulgence, overconfidence and overspending. All are possible under Jupiter’s influence.
Capricorn: While you are dealing with some very serious issues in your life that you need to pay attention to, there are opportunities and moments of pure pleasure. Whether they are romance, music or exciting events, they pop up and relieve you of some of the weight that you have been carrying. Take care of business, but enjoy as well.
Aquarius: What’s up with Aquarius? You probably don’t even know. New energy, new direction and new friends all contribute to an atmosphere of change and movement. While you are ready for change, you intuit that you need to unload some baggage. Could be material, emotional or spiritual; you’ll figure it out and move on.
Pisces: You’ve been tuned in to to your spiritual side for some time now. This spiritual business overlaps into your public life. Expect a surprising number of people to start talking about these mystical subjects. Don’t forget the practical. Pay the bills, sign the check and do stay connected with old friends.