Aries: Just when you thought things were settling down – here comes chaos. This is more than just the usual holiday hullabaloo. Intense conversations engaging the high mind and buried psychological tidbits reveal some profound truths that change your world view. All this tends to keep you off balance.
Taurus: Someone in your life finally begins to communicate on a meaningful level. And more importantly, communicating very clearly. The two of you have shared values, or so you thought. Some conversation reveals the differences. It is important to be clear and express yourself in a manner that reflects the true you.
Gemini: Activity centers around the people in your life ranging from co-workers, bosses, friends, neighbors and the kissy face types. You may not be getting along with the authority figures, but you’re doing great with those on your level of the food chain. Be on the lookout for someone wise and knowledgeable entering the picture.
Cancer: While you’re ready for the festivities, you are not neglecting your everyday responsibilities. You implement new methods and have conversations that improve your routine, taking some of the boring out of it all. During your holiday fun, someone tries to get serious. If you feel restricted, rethink this relationship.
Leo: You are so in the mood for all the holiday fun. Romance is possible as well as having the opportunity to do all that makes you happy. Entertaining at home is a strong possibility, and you attract the lively, interesting and someone capable of expanding your horizons. This one may be a keeper.
Virgo: Stalled projects, missing information and delayed conversations move, arrive and occur, taking your life out of limbo and into the active world. You may have to play catch-up to get up to speed. In the meantime, someone is being argumentative, but not very clear. Be wary of someone who wishes to be in control all the time.
Libra: All of a sudden the big, wide world is at your front door. Some new and interesting folks enter your life. You may not have a lot of time to spend on socializing as your life has become very busy. You get the impression that someone in your life is not dealing with a full deck. Pay attention to your instincts. You could be right.
Scorpio: Love affairs, finances and creative projects all get the go ahead after a month or so of delays. While you’re ready for the holiday festivities, be mindful of the budget. You’re tempted and feel extravagant, but keep the consequences in mind. A lovely and mysterious someone keeps you guessing.
Sagittarius: You feel excited, exuberant and ready for action. Your optimism carries the day in quite a few tricky situations at this time. You feel ready for new beginnings on a lot of fronts. You are experiencing a major overhaul in your attitude toward “stuff” — getting rid of the useless and finding out what is truly important to you.
Capricorn: This period brings up a lot of subconscious thoughts and emotions that you may or may not feel like dealing with at this time. You’ll have to deal with it sooner or later, so it is up to you. Just know that you can’t escape it; try and deal with it on your own terms. Friends are helpful and get you out of yourself and into the world.
Aquarius: A magic period unfolds before you; it’s the perfect time to plan for the future. This is the time to brainstorm and think the impossible. Know that it is all possible and there are no limits to what you can achieve. Money is not your main motivator. Use your network of friends and acquaintances to brainstorm and review the possibilities.
Pisces: You’re energized and ready for action. Some of this might be directed toward your professional life and public persona. Career matters take a positive turn. Those in authority smile upon you. Your interests run from practical matters to artistic appreciation. There’s no pinning you down these days.