Aries: Recent events have shifted your focus and set you off in a new direction. You are energized and ready for action. This is a good time to make plans for the future. Explore all the possibilities and let your imagination run free. It’s a big world and you can partake of it as much as you want.
Taurus: A shift in your viewpoint has profound effects. While always practical and down to earth, you now find yourself pondering the imponderable. You discover that there is more to this world than the physical. Continue your journey of discovery; you will discover more about yourself in the process.
Gemini: You find yourself interacting with a wide variety of people from friends and lovers to neighbors and professionals. Some of your more crazy friends are crazier than usual. Some folks are pleasant and helpful while others seem to enjoy disagreeing with you. Some of your acquaintances behave in a shocking and unusual manner.
Cancer: Conversation, confrontation along with a variety of people from the crazy to the conservative keep you reeling and rocking. Some of this is fun, possibly romantic, while others are not so pleasant. You can’t control these folks, but you can control your reaction. Events lead you to some deep thinking in an effort to clear your head.
Leo: While you are enjoying some post-holiday fun, you remain committed to fulfilling your obligations. Lots of conversations take place concerning tasks and chores before a shift moves you into more interaction with some pleasant and romantic folks. You do the things you love to do with folks who share your interests.
Virgo: You’re not quite ready to get back to business after the holiday season shuts down. Some entertaining at home with some of the wonderful people in your life is on tap to chase the winter blues away. Later in the month news and events shift the landscape to more serious stuff. Getting organized is top on your list.
Libra: Some new and unusual folk enter your universe. This brings lots of fun and amusement your way. Some old friends may move on while new ones appear. Someone is acting strange and may require some stern words. You can’t figure this one out, so don’t try. Do the things that uplift you — music, dance and a hike in the woods. Do it!
Scorpio: Action increases at the start of the New Year. You may be tempted to splurge on something extravagant. Think before you let the credit card fly. Much conversation, traveling around town, and breaks in the usual routine may throw you off stride. Don’t worry, you are quick to get back in the groove. You’re enjoying yourself.
Sagittarius: All good things are coming your way, but beware of too much of a “good thing.” You have many opportunities and moments when you are in the right place at the right time. The danger here is being over confident. Don’t promise more than you can deliver. Have fun and enjoy, but take care of business.
Capricorn: While it is back to business as usual for you, there is room for whimsy and pondering the mysteries of the universe and the mysteries within you. Something has or will rock your foundation, which prompts all of this inner musing. You don’t neglect the business of life, but you are opening to a new world. Change is good for you.
Aquarius: It is not necessary for you to be confrontational or belligerent with those you have a beef with. Say it nice and easy, it will work just fine. Your circle of friends widens as you meet some wise and wonderful folk. Expect disruptions in your neighborhood or your daily commute. Freaky stuff is going on.
Pisces: You may not feel like being in the limelight, but you are the star of the hour. You get good reviews on the personal and professional front. You must be doing something right. Old and loyal friends prove their worth. Expect the unexpected when it comes to the cash flow. You may need to adjust your budget.