Aries: Much is going on in your life, from the very public to the very private. Work/Career connections bring hard work as well as recognition. Art shows, museums and quality literature put you into a self-examining mode. While you think about what is important to you, your intuition is on target.
Taurus: You aggressively pursue what interests you and clarify those goals that have been rolling around in your head for quite some time. Clarity is the key here; once you know where you want to go, the ease with which you get there will surprise you. Friends, lovers and worthwhile connections bring beauty, art and a bit of spirituality into your life.
Gemini: While you are dealing with a lot of issues, consider how much of this business involves other people’s “stuff.” It’s not yours, but it is in your lap. The trick is to figure out how to get it back where it belongs. In addition to all of this, you’re juggling your public and private life quite nicely, thank you. Unusual friends spice things up.
Cancer: Your people skills evolve into a fine art after dealing with the folks in your life from the difficult to the pleasant. They all seem to be coming at you, at once and from all directions. A very active and assertive friend offers some able assistance as you deal with a variety of relationships. Someone proves their worth.
Leo: This nose to the grindstone business gets old fast. You plow through it, paying attention to those pesky details that are so important. Some folks share the workload while others seem to pile more on you. There is light at the end of the tunnel and you do manage some fun. An interesting person shows up on your radar.
Virgo: You deal with the fall-out from a relationship that was not going according to plan. Not to worry as there are plenty of social events, interaction with fun people and opportunity to increase your participation in those things that bring you joy. Another relationship may become more serious. You give that one some thought.
Libra: You bring the wide world to your doorstep while following your daily routine. This could be through encounters with people, events and information that introduce you to lifestyles and cultures that are not your own. On the home front, you might do some remodeling or redecorating. You want a sound structure, but you want it to be pretty.
Scorpio: You are on the move during this period — talking, traveling and doing the things you love. Some conversations are serious, some philosophical while others just plain fun. Don’t allow a rather belligerent someone to spoil your fun. Give it right back to them, it’s theirs, not yours. A connection with someone seems mystical.
Sagittarius: You’re in full explorer mode these days, although you may not even leave your home. This exploration involves the physical, mental and spiritual, and it is a journey that has just begun. Your world is opening up and you are reevaluating a lot of people and things in your life. Someone exciting appears who is sizzling, but without much substance.
Capricorn: With a lot on your plate, you deal with issues that affect the long term as well as the short term. As you sort through it, use your innate logical skills to put things in order. Quirky events on the home front upset the routine. You’re ready to break out of that routine and take in some exciting fun and games.
Aquarius: You do a lot of soul-searching these days trying to figure out where you’re heading and whether you really want to go there. You are going through a process of eliminating anything in your life that no longer serves you. You will be surprised at some of the people, things and attitudes that you dump.
Pisces: You are alert, prepared and ready for action. You have a lot to say and are not afraid to say it. While busy with work and daily chores, you also enjoy some fun time with old and trusted friends. One of these friendships could evolve into something more intimate. Those in authority bestow favors, or at least look at you with respect.