Aries: A very busy period for you with much running around, multi-tasking and gaining knowledge that exposes you to experiences that are new, different and have a foreign flavor. You find romance and money-making opportunities in your immediate neighborhood. Conversation veers toward the argumentative at times.
Taurus: Temptation arrives in the form of something beautiful, and you throw the budget out the window in order to own it. Could be a work of art, a trip to the exotic or simply an addition to your wardrobe. You get lucky and cash arrives that covers your impulsive buy. Conversations become heated as you assert yourself.
Gemini: It’s a new day for you as you step out and step up to change, the change that you are eager for. Ever curious and restless, you are always looking for intellectual stimulation. Someone appears on the horizon who is wise, knowledgeable and willing to share the wisdom. You are intrigued.
Cancer: Energized and curious, you engage in conversation that is anything but casual. You dig deep into what folks are feeling. In the process, some secrets are revealed. Possibly a secret romance, yours or someone close to you. Some people may try to control your actions, but you are having none of that.
Leo: Concerns about the future find you reevaluating your goals and direction in life. Sudden and unexpected events increase your interest in what is available to you and what kind of changes you want to make to reach your newfound goals. Not to worry, there are some friendly, helpful people in your life who will provide good advice.
Virgo: At this time, you are involved with folks you have fun with as well as those authority figure types. Surprise — you may have more fun with the authority figures than with your fun-loving friends. It seems like some of those friends want to rain on your parade. You may exchange some harsh words with those folks.
Libra: You’re on the prowl for something artistic and cultural with the aim to increase your knowledge of customs you are unfamiliar with. You’re tired of your own backyard and are ready to venture farther afield. It will prove to be exciting and interesting even if it only consists of a trip to the library. Good time to plan for future trips.
Scorpio: In true Scorpio fashion you are trying to get to the root of the feelings of unease that you have been experiencing. On the surface it appears to be about money and stuff of the material world, but you sense something that is not so obvious. Dig deep to find out what is really important to you. Consult an authority.
Sagittarius: Some relationships are all fun and games while others are a bit tricky with things, like emotions, going on beneath the surface. You are straightforward and up-front, some folks are not so open. Some deep and difficult conversation may be needed. Luck and light are on your side.
Capricorn: Secrets are revealed about co-workers, friends and others in your circle. These secrets are not necessarily shocking, but they can come as a bit of a surprise. You have been very serious and somber of late; be on the lookout for that particular someone who seeks to “lighten” you up. Some mystical conversations ensue.
Aquarius: A visit, telephone call or news from someone afar brightens your days. You are socially and romantically active during this period. Your tribe of friends introduces you to new people, new ideas and stimulating activities. You are more than ready for the new and different. Unexpected visitors land on your doorstep.
Pisces: You juggle the very public and the very private parts of your life. It is challenging to maintain the proper balance. Unexpected news and schedule changes throw you off balance as well. While you enjoy pleasurable pursuits with old friends, you are also happy to entertain at home.