Aries: The time is ripe for fun and games. Your calendar is filled with social events and the possibility of romantic sparks flies around. You cannot neglect your professional duties as a lot is happening on the career front as well. Venus in your sign helps you turn on the charm and brings good will your way.
Taurus: Don’t let changes, interruptions and disruptions plague you. Use this seeming chaos to plan your future. In all the confusion lies a path forward for you. As you juggle home, family and career, friends offer advice, act as sounding boards and in general come to your aid when you need it.
Gemini: You have no trouble keeping busy during this period. At times you are the center of attention, at other times you work quietly behind the scenes. Joint ventures require your attention. Your ruling planet Mercury, retrograde at mid-month, signals a thorough check of all documents before signing or committing.
Cancer: Relationships continue to be an issue. Some folks are pleasant, helpful and knowledgeable while others are rigid and controlling. Figure out which ones are worth keeping and flex your muscles when you need to. By month-end, new vistas open up before you so be ready for the opportunities that presents.
Leo: As much as you would like to be in the spotlight and out having fun, duty calls. You are required to take care of business and may have to review some financial documents and other boring stuff. Pay attention to details and be careful you don’t overlook important little facts. Some surprises are in store.
Virgo: Secrets are revealed. This may involve relationships. Who’s kissing who behind the scenes. Don’t get involved and be sure you have the facts straight before making judgement. You give serious thought and energy to what it is that brings you joy. And you go out and do those things. Good for you, Virgo. It’s okay to have fun.
Libra: While your social life rolls along in pleasant waves, you do some serious thinking about your home, personal space and what you want out of that area of your life. You are thinking foundational here. You can flit from place to place, but you really like the solid feel of bedrock under your feet. You’ll figure it out.
Scorpio: Despite all the serious thinking and onerous day-to-day chores, Scorpio manages to have some fun. Romance and some of that fun occurs while you are going about your daily routine. You connect with friends and like-minded individuals for some rollicking good times. Not a bad way to survive the winter doldrums.
Sagittarius: On the serious side, you are trying to figure out what is important to you so that you can move forward. That does not stop you from having fun or flexing your creative muscles. You figure out some innovations that make your day-to-day life run smoothly. Conversations with those close to you prove productive.
Capricorn: You play a game of stop and go, of expansion and contraction. Although it may seem to you like you are taking two steps forward and one step back, you are actually making progress. You will begin to see results and take more positive action mid-month. By month-end, new ideas blossom and off you go!
Aquarius: Much that has been hidden surfaces now. Most of this is very personal to you, your inner workings and how your actions may not have been in your best interests. Not to worry, a new day dawns and you find yourself surrounded by helpful folks who aid and guide you on your new path. But always listen to that inner voice.
Pisces: It is hard to stick to a routine when sudden upsets throw a monkey wrench into the works, but soldier on. You are entering a new phase, a new beginning period. Serious thinking is required when you begin to figure out where you want to be and go in the future. Listen to helpful and wise friends.