Aries: Domestic affairs and finances need tending to. These issues should be resolved by the 11th, just in time for the New Moon, which ushers in a period of fun, romance and general amusement for you. Be sure to stay within the budget. You get noticed by someone high up. It’s to your advantage to talk up your ideas. And take credit for them.
Taurus: Life is busy. You’re traveling in and around town while dealing with domestic issues. You face resistance from some folks who seem to want you to behave the way they think you should behave. You’re having none of that. After the 11th, romance comes calling and you are ready for some fun. Could be commitment time.
Gemini: Life gets busy during this period. While your day-to-day responsibilities seem onerous, you are on the receiving end of scads of invitations to social events that promise a lot of fun. Conversations of the most intimate kind help you to open up about what has really been bothering you and what’s on your mind. It helps you figure out what is important to you.
Cancer: You’ve got boundless energy these days and you are active, active, active. As you go about your busy days there is an undercurrent that you are very much aware of. You are reevaluating and reassessing the things and people in your life that are important to you. On the surface it seems to be all about finances, but it is much more than that.
Leo: You are loving the limelight while dealing with some deep-rooted issues. True to your sign, no matter what is going on for Leo, the show must go on. After the New Moon you begin to make some positive changes. You’re revved up and raring to go. Finances begin to improve and continue to do so over the next year.
Virgo: Your subconscious, your dreams and all the things you keep hidden bubble up and you are compelled to talk about them. Doing so enables you to get rid of a lot of internal garbage and clarify a lot of issues. This is good as you will be ready for Jupiter’s entry into your sign on the 11th. This will begin a year of expansion and opportunity for you. Keep your eyes open.
Libra: Your ambitions are aroused and you are making plans for the future. You’ve been expanding your network for the past year or so and now is the time to work it. You may not have to exert too much effort because you’re like a magnet for parties, dinners and all kinds of social events. Be sure to include some down time in your schedule, as you will need it to collect your thoughts.
Scorpio: After cleaning up some relationship issues, you are ready for a new beginning in that area as well as in many other areas of your life. Things really begin moving along after the New Moon of the 15th. You’re heading in a new direction and your long-term goals are shifting. Be ready for an influx of helpful and influential people to enter your life. Now is the time to dream big.
Sagittarius: Digging around in your subconscious is not your cup of tea, but that is what you find yourself doing. It’s not such a bad thing because you can dig up and toss out any garbage you’ve picked up on the way. A lot of opportunity is coming your way, but you have a take-it-or-leave-it attitude. That’s because you’re still figuring out what you want to do next.
Capricorn: There’s a lot of talk about money between you and the significant others in your life. Expect changes on the home front as well as in friendships. Old friends, new friends — it’s like a revolving door. Be ready for your mind to open up to new ideas, new beliefs and new people that awaken you to what is possible. What is possible is something you haven’t thought of before. Go for it.
Aquarius: New ideas and new relationships pop up all over the place. Some relationships take a hit as you look at them with a fresh eye and ask, “Do I need all this drama?” It’s a good time to get some exercise or participate in something that is healthy, like fresh air or organic food. Conflict in your daily routine prods you to stand your ground. You can do that, but be nice about it.
Pisces: You’re learning how to express yourself and to say what is really on your mind. Clear the air and clear the decks because new and beneficial people are about to enter your life. Creative energy spurs creative action. Romance is in the air — it could blossom right under your nose. Keep the lines of communication open. Be sure to listen and make sure they are listening to you.