Aries: This period is a mixed bag of fun, games and romantic pursuits balanced against day-to-day routines and responsibilities. Your working environment, diet and exercise regime benefits now that Jupiter has begun a yearlong sojourn in the 5th house of health and service. Look for opportunities for expansion as you go about your daily routine.
Taurus: Let the fun begin! Be ready for it because your inner child is coming out to play. Romance, cultural events, sports and speculation are happening all around you. Take advantage and enjoy yourself. Friends encourage you while a certain significant other wants to rain on your parade. This resistance to your wishes requires a conversation.
Gemini: Busy Gemini finds opportunity, romance and plain old fun on the doorstep. As you go about your daily routine, you jump from harmonious relationships to some belligerence on the part of others. Roll with it and keep the lines of communication open. There’s some career advancement possible as well as expansion on the home front.
Cancer: An issue about money or something of value may not get resolved until after Labor Day. In the meantime, be prepared for plenty of conversation and new ideas flashing across your consciousness. Your world is opening up to the new and the different. A new awareness of the possibilities gives you the courage to reach for the stars.
Leo: Money rolls in, but you’ll probably have to spend it on home improvements or an item, class or book that ensures your security. You’re feeling mighty aggressive these days, but remember to state your case along with a spoonful of sugar. Money rears its head again involving taxes, insurance or joint finances. Stay cool.
Virgo: Jupiter’s trek through Virgo for the next year or so brings good news. Be wary — the planet of expansion can easily expand the waist line. In the short term, secrets are revealed. It could be a secret romance or a relationships that has been kept on the down low. Be ready for some serious conversation and practical solutions.
Libra: You are in your element as your social life, friendships and networking all get revved up with new people, events and connections. In spite of all the activity, you take the time for some inward examination and ask yourself some serious questions about what it is that makes you tick and what it is that you value. You’re opening up to a more spiritual existence.
Scorpio: You put aside your usual air of secrecy and step into the spotlight. Your social life and connections expand. While you receive recognition on the work front, it does not come without responsibilities. You give some serious thought to where your life is heading and where you want to be in the future. This is a good time to make plans.
Sagittarius: The great satisfaction that comes with achieving your goals brings with it the vision and possibilities of new far-reaching goals. While you may get a raise, promotion or step into the public eye, there’s a lot of inner work going on with you. You are clearing the decks for a new beginning starting this fall. Dump the excess baggage.
Capricorn: Practical Capricorn turns over a new leaf as you dig deep into the undercurrents within and around you. You are seeing more than what meets the eye. You’re opening up to the vast universe and realizing there are things that you can’t see, feel or touch that are real and valid, like feelings and all that gooey stuff.
Aquarius: Relationships and money occupy your thoughts, conversations and dreams. You can’t escape it. There is a relationship issue that includes all of the above and requires some cool heads using logic and reason. Emotional overload will not work. Speak up, stand up and don’t let anyone steamroll over you. Your ideas are valid.
Pisces: There is a lot of conversation going on between you and the people in your life. Expect to meet and expand your personal relationships. This is a good time to consult a professional, be it a doctor, lawyer or accountant. These conversations help you to get clear about what you want and what you need. Your responses may surprise you.