Aries: You’re optimistic and hopeful for the future. You’re someone’s favorite during this period, which increases your chances for advancement. Thus, it is a good time to plan for the future. It could be time for that lucky break as well. Friends can help or hinder.
Taurus: On one hand you, are receiving honors and recognition. Folks are just loving you. On the other hand, there are a few belligerent, argumentative folks that, it seems, try to thwart you at every turn. Escape with friends through cultural experiences, a play, museum or art gallery. Immersion in a weighty tome appeals.
Gemini: Significant others force you to take a look at your relationships — the professional as well as personal. You are doing some serious thinking, which leads to some eye opening conclusions. Someone is trying to cramp your style. A friend pulls you out of the seriousness and drags you into something new and exciting.
Cancer: Your passions are aroused and you bounce between the light-hearted and some deep probing. Conversations with the important people in your life are pleasantly revealing. Your mind is opening up and your outlook is broadening. You want to go out and play, but duty calls. Try and maintain a good balance. Avoid the controlling.
Leo: Often these days it seems like it is you against the world. They are coming at you from all directions. On the upside, earned and unearned money flows your way. Be careful how you spend it. Romance at work or at the gym is possible. If you’re in a romance already, it may get serious and move into a more committed mode.
Virgo: Virgo is discovering new ways to do the same old, same old. There’s action all around you and you participate enthusiastically. You put your practical self into the creative mode and come up with something beautiful and pleasant for all involved. Let your hair down and your inner child out to play. Fun and romance — it’s in the air.
Libra: Your creative juices start to flow and you come up with some lovely additions to your personal space. While some people in your life shock and surprise you by their actions, there are others in your immediate environment you wish were not so conventional. Life is interesting as you get out and have some plain old fun.
Scorpio: Busy, active, on-the-go Scorpio looks to find some down time to recharge the batteries. It is not all work and tedium. There are some pleasant encounters as you move through your daily routine. Romance could be right under your nose, as is the opportunity to make some money. There’s lots of energy here; go to the gym or take a walk.
Sagittarius: You develop new ideas to help you navigate the added responsibilities that have entered your life. You are learning to use your resources in the best possible manner. Hard work has resulted in recognition and some extra dough. You amuse yourself with the new and different. The more unusual, the better.
Capricorn: Your popularity increases. You’re able to attract people, opportunity and events that keep your calendar filled. Don’t let argumentative friends spoil your fun. Set them straight. If they won’t shut up, be done with them. Electric or electronic snafus on the home front call for logic, not anger and frustration. You’ll figure it out.
Aquarius: ‘Tis the season of Aquarius and you’re motivated, activated and ready for change. You’re in the public eye whether you want to be or not. With a strong desire to break from the routine, you’ll find it difficult to do so until the 13th when Mercury enters your sign. Then you will be able to articulate all that has been bubbling beneath the surface.
Pisces: All the quiet reflection you have been doing has not prevented you from enjoying an active social life. You receive some on-the-job recognition and your friends help you celebrate. That circle of friends is getting bigger as folks enter your life, some as mentors, guides or running buddies.