Lunar Notes

Lunar Notes

Aries: Relationships are emphasized during this period; some change, some fall away and new ones are formed. Conversation needs to occur. Around the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse you find your voice. There may be conflict with others, but both sides are open to compromise.

Taurus: Practical Taurus opens to the spiritual side of the human condition. Dreams and visions expand and so does the artistic and creative side of your psyche. You ground these dreams and commence to bring them into reality. All the while, you engage in the festive side of life as you connect with friends and lovers.

Gemini: Gemini faces a mixed bag of smooth sailing, favorable reviews and folks who argue and try to resist you. Your communication skills are called for as you set the record straight.  The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse brings out your playful side. Do the things that bring you the most pleasure. You’re looking for fun.

Cancer: Your world is expanding and you open to new possibilities in your life. Responsibilities keep your nose to the grindstone, but that does not keep you from weighing your options. As you juggle the personal and professional aspects of your life you ask the question: What do I need to give in order to get what I want?

Leo: Your passions are aroused on many levels. There’s an inner governor that keeps you from going overboard, especially in the areas of love and money. Take the time to consider your options. Consider your wants and needs. A relationship is at a crossroads; quit or commit.

Virgo: Virgo has been through an eye-opening period and now is the time to consider and reconsider the opportunities available to you. There’s a need to place yourself on a solid foundation. Romantic and social life, while pleasant, sound a warning bell. Someone or something is not what it seems. Investigate!

Libra: While relationships and social interaction are always important to you, during this period you give some serious thought as to where you fit in the scheme of things. Are you giving up too much of yourself? What value do you place on yourself? These are questions that demand answers and they won’t go away.

Scorpio: Those pesky little details involving money — how you earn it, how you spend it — demand attention. During this period you really want to get out and do the things you enjoy but practical considerations hold you back. It is not lack of money but what is the best use of your resources that must be considered.

Sagittarius: You have reached a plateau in your life, and attained goals and some favorable recognition. Now you are considering your next step and where you want to go from here.  The shift comes from your inner motivation — what you want to do not what society expects of you. Follow your heart’s lead.

Capricorn: There’s a lot going on beneath the surface and behind the scenes. You are going through a lengthy process of getting rid of the “junk” in your life. This includes people, stuff, old ideas and emotions. You’re clearing the decks to make way for change that is coming and for the authentic you to emerge.

Aquarius: Bored with the daily routine, you’re dreaming of faraway places. This provides the fuel for you to modify your goals and plans for the future. Don’t let friends talk you out of your wildest dreams for the future. Do listen to their practical tips. It is important to pay attention to the money and not let it slip through your fingers.

Pisces: Pisces is very much in the public eye. Recent events have aroused your ambitions and shifted your focus, leading you in a new direction. Along the way you will figure out what is truly important to you. Your social life and your sociability gets a boost and your popularity increases. Enjoy!