Aries: After months of turmoil your focus shifts to a more far-reaching/big picture mode. Arguments with friends help to sharpen and clarify your thoughts. A feminine influence offers help and brings favorable reviews. Helpful people enter your life, bringing new ideas that help you to open your mind to the never-ending possibilities before you.
Taurus: Taurus is in the deep thinking mode, looking to uncover secrets and expose that which is hidden. The focus is on the inner self and all the things that make you tick. Aggressive authority figures ruffle your feathers. Be ready to give it right back to them. An interest in cultural events finds you looking for comradeship among the like-minded.
Gemini: Relationships move to the front burner with some folks trying to rain on your parade while others bring the big wide world to your doorstep. Either way, there is plenty of stimulating conversation, some of it of the mystical variety and some take a more practical turn. Someone new enters the picture at month-end.
Cancer: You prepare, with the help of friends, coworkers and assorted helpful folks, in developing a new routine. This may be due to a job change or simply the result of normal shifts that occur throughout one’s life. You work to make your home space more comfortable, cozy and reflective of your values. Someone brings passion into your life.
Leo: You speak out when you become agitated. Some folks in your life are particularly argumentative and come on strong. Others are more diplomatic and allow for a conversation to take place that is mutually beneficial. Let your creative side loose along with your inner child, and do the fun things that bring you joy.
Virgo: You stick close to home where repairs, a move or a makeover is taking place. Love, romance and the fun things in life tumble through your door. You get to pick and choose from the variety of amusements. A co-worker or someone you run into on a daily basis needs to learn some manners. A hot head often does not think.
Libra: Good and great things are coming your way, so be on the alert for those windows of opportunity. The daily routine is tedious and requires some nose-to-the-grindstone moments, but there are other moments that allow you to pursue those pleasures that make you happy. Socializing on the home front appeals.
Scorpio: Some changes you made have some loose ends that need to be tied. You’ve been really innovative in streamlining your daily routine. This period brings pleasant, helpful people, into your sphere. Something deep-rooted prods you into a spiritual awakening. You begin to look at what is really important to you. More change is coming.
Sagittarius: Life is a mixture of fun, games and serious responsibility. You’re figuring out how to maintain that balance between the frivolous and the thoughtful. Overall, busy is the name of the game these days. Beware of argumentative folks that you bump into during the course of your day be they neighbors, siblings or the postman. Keep smiling.
Capricorn: Your public image receives a boost and your popularity increases as the invites and social events fill your calendar. You need to be aware of how your actions are received by others. You may not get the results you thought you’d get. This may require some inner soul searching. Helpful women appear at the perfect time.
Aquarius: You’re filled with energy these days. It is a good time to start a new exercise program. Anything that requires you to be assertive is favored now. You connect with like-minded people whether it is for a favorite cause or simple socializing. Your connections open your mind to the new and different, which is right up your alley.
Pisces: A shift in direction, more responsibility and new friendships occupy you during this period. You’ve achieved a goal and now reassess and set new goals. There’s a spiritual component to all of your actions and dealings with others. Friends bring romance and new connections into your life. You’re open to the new and different.