Lunar Notes

Lunar Notes

Aries: Expect power struggles with someone in authority or with someone who thinks they are the authority. They become controlling and dictatorial. You are having none of it. Your independent streak is strong and you’re flexing that muscle. A lucky break on the financial end of things helps a lot. A busy social life eases your pain.

Taurus: You shift from the inner, reflective to a more social and people-oriented condition. Some rumbles on the home front shake loose something deeply rooted that ties in with your recent reflective state. In the light of day it may seem quite different. Someone wise and spiritually orientated catches your attention. Listen!

Gemini: While you’re not much into that deep psychological, mucky-muck stuff, you find yourself plunged into it. Like it or not, something has come bubbling up from the depths and has to be dealt with. The only solution is to do what you do best: Talk about it. In speaking out loud, you clarify your thoughts and feelings. You’ll feel better for it.

Cancer: Your relationships range from those who are repressive, sober and controlling to the more fun-loving and adventurous types who are happy to let you be you. Things come to a head with those controlling ones at the Full Moon. You’ll sort out who you want to keep in your life and those you are ready to kick to the curb.

Leo: Tension mounts in your daily life. Some of your friends, colleagues and other folks you deal with everyday are creating some complex issues. You are forced to deal with them although you may not want to. The first thing to do is to untangle the snarly mess and go from there. It’s murky, but strive for clarity.

Virgo: A pleasant love affair, relationship or interlude becomes a little more complicated than you had anticipated. What was lighthearted shifts to the deeply emotional. You’re not ready for this.  Make your wishes known and if they are not accepted, time to move on.

Libra: Some deep rumblings from your past begin to shake up your current life and relationships. Someone is acting a bit too erratic for you. Arguments and aggressiveness do not go down well with you. It may be impossible to soothe that beast. If you can’t, move on. Soothe yourself with a visit to a museum or art gallery.

Scorpio: You’re confronted with tough situations, tough people and a brutal commute or two. You can be just as tough if need be. The decision is yours. Some things you can deal with and others are not that important to you — you simply don’t care. Expend your energies on what matters to you.

Sagittarius: What do you want, what is important to you and do you have enough money to do what you want? These are the questions you are asking yourself these days. What brings you joy? You’re through messing around with people and things that no longer serve you. You’re motivated and ready for change.

Capricorn: You’re fired up and in a take-no-prisoners mode. Some folks may not like your aggressiveness, but you are on a mission. Life is not all harsh angles; let some softness in. A friend or colleague opens you up to a new world. You begin to see new possibilities and a new future. If you can dream it, you can make it happen.

Aquarius: You’re cleaning out the closet, attic and cellar, physically and metaphorically. Whatever, getting rid of the “junk” in your life ranks high on your to-do list. You’re preparing for a fresh start down the road, so it is out with the old to prepare for the new. Be prepared for disruptions in the daily routine. No problems, simply reboot.

Pisces: Changes in what you value alters your plans for the future. You’re doing some serious thinking along those lines of where you want to go and what you want to be. Think big! An argument with a friend or acquaintance provides some motivation to make changes. Fear not, change is good.