Aries: Conversation and companionship help you weather the slings and arrows directed at you from those in authority who seek to control you. You are having none of that as independence is part of your DNA. Finances play a role in this. An inheritance or other financial windfall prompts you to take control.
Taurus: Relationships revolve and evolve as you are exposed to people who broaden your outlook. These folks open your eyes to new cultures, philosophies and value systems. You’re receptive and take the time to reflect on where you’ve been and where you want to go in this life. Earthy Taurus delves into the spiritual.
Gemini: You feel the pull of quiet contemplation and deep inner probing, but your social life does not leave you very much time for that sort of activity. Amidst that social whirl you do manage to gain some deep insight into whatever it is that makes you tick. An unusual friend begins a startling conversation.
Cancer: The actions of others places a strain on a lot of your most personal relationships. The folks in your life range from the rigidly conservative to the wildly revolutionary. You have been walking the path between those extremes. Events are forcing you to consider what your wants and desires truly are. Tough going there.
Leo: Daily life has become quite rigorous for you lately. There’s a lot of tedious work on hand that needs to be plowed through. The good news is that some lovely social and romantic events are heading your way. Some of this happens close to home while others require a day trip. Whatever, you are ready for it.
Virgo: You’re attracted to someone older and/or well established in life. Some of your relationships become quite intense. Some of that intensity verges on controlling. You feel the passion, but don’t fancy the restrictions placed upon you. You are looking to expand your horizons and won’t settle for a hidebound existence.
Libra: Toward the end of this period, you will be tying up some financial loose ends. This works to your benefit. Some interesting conversations take place as one of your acquaintances reveals some shocking news or opinions. Relationships may be rocky, but you are shoring up your personal foundation. Feet firmly on the ground.
Scorpio: Jupiter in Scorpio brings plenty into your life. This can be good as in plenty of money, but often it can also mean plenty of “stuff” you’d rather not have, like an extra 20 pounds. On the upside, when folks around you become difficult, Jupiter gives you confidence in your own abilities. That confidence will take you a long way. Seize it!
Sagittarius: Giving deep thought to the spiritual side while grappling with the very real material world keeps the Archer in a constant mode of discovery. Discovering what you can and cannot do without. Learning how to speak your truth. This process opens up the world to you. And who knows? Perhaps a new love will walk right in.
Capricorn: The intensity of your life these days has you bouncing between excessive energy and debilitating fatigue. Pace yourself and use your energy wisely. This is all a learning process for you. How to express yourself, use your energy and keep open to new possibilities. Count on friends to help you in that area.
Aquarius: Before you move on, you need to have the last word. That may be an internal last word or a final disposition of a matter that has been plaguing you. As you continue to shovel out the old and tired in your life, you begin to socialize more and bring some romantic fun folks into your life.
Pisces: Powerful, active and even argumentative friends keep you on your toes. You have some interesting conversations with these people as you express your desires. They may be powerful, but you know what you want and you are not about to back down. Be diplomatic about it. You are what you are. They can like or lump it.