Lunar Notes

Lunar Notes, July 2013

Aries: Conversation on the home front revolves around estate matters and family funds. Read the fine print and don’t sign or make any decisions until after the 20th when new information surfaces that alters your perspective on things. You are creative and inventive now, attracting the new and unusual to you. An exciting love affair sizzles, but may not last once the fireworks are over.

Taurus: Missed connections, communication snafus and a variety of traffic jams and detours pepper your routine and require a great deal of adaptation. You really need to roll with the punches, Taurus. Your fixed nature may have trouble with these sudden changes. As the Sun enters Leo on the 22nd, Venus slips into your 5th house of amusements. Take the time for some fun and games – you’ll need it.

Gemini: Money matters bring up issues of self worth and push some buttons that bring up some deep-rooted beliefs. Money is good for what it can do for you, but you are learning that in some instances money can’t do a thing for you. You are able to get some organizing and rearranging at home and in your work space completed. The process grounds you and gets you back on track.

Cancer: The July New Moon in your sign brings a desire for change. Jupiter’s recent entry into Cancer offers opportunities for you to see beyond the immediate. Your world is opening up to new possibilities. Job offers, domestic rearrangements and changing goals are just a few of them. A psychic connection with an old friend, new lover or friend turned lover makes for an interesting month.

Leo: The New Moon triggers some deep introspection. While Leo loves the spotlight, at this time you are looking for some quiet time in order to reflect and clear the decks of old stuff that no longer serves you.  As the Moon waxes toward fullness, you begin to articulate what you have learned. You find that it is therapeutic to talk with trusted friends or a qualified professional.

Virgo: The July New Moon puts you into a future oriented mode. You are looking and planning ahead. Around the First Quarter Moon, you put out feelers to friends and acquaintances. What you are looking for is not quite clear yet, but these contacts act as a sounding board for you. After the 21st, when your ruler Mercury goes direct, things become clearer to you and plans for the future move ahead.

Libra: Career goals and the public you are highlighted this month. Whatever recognition you receive you have worked for, and you are not shy about letting folks know that. As the Full Moon approaches, you are more inclined to get out and socialize, placing your professional aspirations on the back burner for a while. Nevertheless, you won’t be taking a back seat in any of your endeavors.

Scorpio: This New Moon prods you into looking beyond your immediate environment in order to gain a new perspective. Heavy duties have tethered you to responsibilities and left little time for enjoyment.  For some Scorpios, this can be a very important period in their lives. By the Full Moon, all Scorpios will be examining their roots and the foundations of their lives. This prompts a lot of conversation with others.

Sagittarius: The planetary energy this month prompts some digging on your part. Your usual freewheeling attitude takes a serious turn. A lot of that psychological stuff that you are not comfortable with surfaces and triggers some unnecessary spending that you could well do without. You can’t escape who you are, and why would you want to? An exciting romance adds some spice to your life.

Capricorn: It’s all about people, you and your relationship to them. This includes professionals you consult with, co-workers, authority figures and up close and personal relationships. There’s conflict, agreement and plenty of discussion going on. As the Moon waxes to full, the issue comes down to self worth. You are a person of worth and don’t let anyone make you feel less than what you are.

Aquarius: This New Moon opens you to the details of life. You notice the little dust balls in the corners and are suddenly tired of the clutter around you and in your mind. This is the time to organize your space, both at work and home. As you clear your mind and space, you make room for the new – new ideas, new people and ultimately a new you – a you that shines at the Full Moon.

Pisces: Be wary of anything that is speculative or somewhat of a gamble. Your judgment is a little off now, so proceed with caution. You will be receiving psychic flashes, but it is best to wait a bit before acting upon them.  Romance and pleasurable pursuits are favored now. A friendship blossoms into something more or a friend introduces you to someone who you find interesting.