Lunar Notes

Lunar Notes: Your February Horoscope

Capricorn2Aries: You’re tired of the traditional and regular routine of your life and want to take a break from your habitual actions. Hanging with your posse opens you to new friendships with the unconventional types you seek. This is not a month without surprises and opportunity. The disruptions have you longing for the monotonous.

Taurus: Pay attention to unusual events that occur as there is opportunity for you hidden in all the confusion these events generate. A clandestine relationship involving you or someone you know is revealed. When this and other hidden information surfaces, keep your cool. Someone is not telling the truth.

Gemini: Plans for the future take an unusual and unexpected turn as a disruptive chain of events play havoc with your normal routine. You begin to look beyond the immediate and beneath the surface of people, situations and the everyday normal stuff. Try to maintain your equilibrium during this very busy period of your life.

Cancer: You are delving into the hidden aspects of your personality, digging deep into the unconscious, subconscious and emotional side of your life. As you enter a new phase in life, you realize you need to clear away the dead debris of the past. In matters of romance, be wary of someone who is unsuitable or may take advantage.

Leo: Personal relationships are highlighted this month as folks get in your face and you get right back into theirs. This could involve legal issues, taxes and insurance. Don’t sign or agree to anything until after the 28th when Mercury goes direct. Try to keep the peace with neighbors and co-workers. Before you end a relationship, think about it.

Virgo: Changing work conditions bring a new boss and a possible raise or bonus if you can snag the boss’ attention with a display of your efficiency. Through it all, be careful what you say as it may be misinterpreted. An honest and open conversation with a healthy exchange of ideas is the order of the day. Avoid being judgmental.

Libra: Romantic possibilities emerge from unusual circumstances and with unusual folks. There is a strong possibility that the romantic other is involved or committed to a rather bizarre relationship. Not to worry as you are more inclined to go it alone these days. Keep your eyes open while you tool around town with friends.

Scorpio: A lot of serious stuff is going on with you, Scorpio. Issues that touch your most private and personal life create unsettling conditions. You may consider a change in domestic arrangements. Responsibilities keep your nose to the grindstone, but that does not keep you from seeking stimulation outside the normal routine. You find romance in your own back yard.

Sagittarius: This is a busy month for Sagittarius. Travel plans, money issues, friends and romance have you running around trying to keep all ends tied up.  You are clearing the decks of any unnecessary junk in your life. What doesn’t serve you gets tossed out. What you value in this life is undergoing a transformation. Slow down and think.

Capricorn: Be careful of the vibe you emit now because you attract like a magnet. Take the high road in your thoughts and actions. Well-meaning friends pose a problem. Be kind; they are sincere in their thinking that they know what is best for you. They haven’t a clue. On the domestic scene, appliances and electrical zaps cause upsets.

Aquarius: You shine under the influence of the Aquarius New Moon. Change is in the air. You hear from or reconnect with someone from the past. It is important to attend to your duties and responsibilities now. This may be difficult because of unusual circumstances and sudden inexplicable upsets in the daily routine. Soldier on!

Pisces: You’re full of secrets now, your own and those of the folks around you in your daily life. There’s a secret or clandestine attraction between you and someone unsuitable or very different from your usual type. Look beyond this person’s charm. There’s possibly a hidden agenda going on. Connect and party with friends.