
Roots Report

Okee dokee folks… I have been noticing a trend with folks who go out to shows; their “pop-up timers” have been going off at 9:30. At first I thought it was just older folks who retreated back to their couches at that time, but then I realized it was people of all ages. What is going on? Did you all get a new curfew somewhere along the line? I am not entirely sure what is causing this trend, but I think it has something to do with focus. Folks don’t seem to have the focus that they once had. In this world of minute-long TikTok videos, it seems as though folks get itches in their britches and the urge to scroll to the next thing, be it on screen or real life. This I don’t understand. I do understand the desire to be home on the couch, but that is a newer phenomenon with me, age-related. Once I am out and at a show, I want to see the whole thing. When I was younger we used to go out at 10pm, after work, close the clubs down at 2am, go out for breakfast, go to work and then do it all over again. Those days are long behind me, but if I attend a concert I am staying until the end when they turn the lights on, unless I have some very good reason to leave early!

On top of the leaving early syndrome is the “I have to get up and get an adult beverage” many times in the course of 90 minutes. This I have never understood. If you are at a seated event and you have to interrupt your concert neighbors and get up more than once during the set, that is just ridiculous and rude. Besides that, how can you even afford multiple drinks at concert venue prices? Sometimes I do the math in my head, if someone I am seated next to buys a lot of booze – it adds up fast. Who knows what goes on in people’s minds anymore? Trying to figure people out is seemingly futile. You miss good stuff when you’re not in your seat. Try to stay the whole show, until the end. It makes you a better audience member! FOCUS, PEOPLE! Read on…

The Garde Theatre in New London is one of my favorite theatres. They often have shows that don’t make it to RI. The Garde boasts a Moroccan interior and the theatre staff are some of the nicest I have encountered. New London is an easy drive from RI: for me it’s a straight shot down 395 and I am there in an hour. Beats Boston by far! On top of that, there is a parking garage and lots of street parking that makes it even easier. Coming to the Garde on March 15 is that Cape Breton fiddle whiz, Natalie McMaster. The Four on the Floor Tour features McMaster’s husband, Donnell Leahy, and two of their children, Mary Frances and Michael Leahy as well. I have a podcast scheduled with Natalie and it should be out by publication. You may have seen them perform at Rhythm and Roots Festival or Newport Folk in the past. If you have, you know the energy and virtuosity in these performances. This is the perfect show for the season and a great place to catch it. Another seasonal show at the Garde is Ye Vagabonds on Tuesday, March 18. The sibling harmonies of brothers Brian and Diarmuid Mac Gloinn are at the heart of the distinctive Ye Vagabonds’ sound. As part of the new wave of Irish folk bands, they bring a subtle and beautiful sound to both new and traditional songs. For more about these shows and more, jig on over to: gardearts.org

Blackstone River Theatre is a great place to hear the sounds of the season! This gem of a theatre is located in Cumberland and if it’s not already on your music radar it should be! Coming up on Sunday, March 16 – Open the Door For Three, March 23 – Máire Ni Chathasaigh and Chris Newman, March 29 – Reverie Road, and March 30 – Salute to Spring with Bonjour Printemps featuring Grosse Isle. For more, roll on over to: BRTri.org

If you are really looking to get your Irish on then this is for you. Direct from Belfast, The Shamrock Tenors are Ireland’s new music sensation and they will be at Veterans Auditorium on March 16. The group features performers from both sides of the community across Northern Ireland, with vocalists from London’s West End along with the country’s best multiinstrumentalists. Their show takes you through Ireland’s classic songs including “Danny Boy,” “Whiskey in the Jar,” “The Parting Glass,” and “Wild Rover,” performed in five-part harmony with a touch of “cheeky Irish charm.” For more, Emerald Isle to: thevetsri.com

Nikita Khrushchev, Russia’s leader (1953-64) threatened, “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the US. We will destroy you from within.” Thanks to the Russian operative in the White House this is actually happening. Wake up people! This traitor must be removed. The United States is losing its world standing, its functionality as a nation, and its constitutional promises with every passing minute that the mango moron has any power. This is no joke. Impeach him now!! BTW, Kudos to Neil Young. He is planning a free concert in Ukraine to kick off his upcoming tour. Neil has always been political so this should not surprise us. •

That’s it for now. You can listen to my podcasts at motifri.com/rootsreportpodcast and find my concert photographs at motifri.com/fuzeksfotos. Thanks for reading and listening. johnfuzek.com