Lunar Notes is about the Moon and the impact the phases of the Moon have on your daily life, your daily routine. These days there is no daily routine. We are in stasis. This pandemic is huge, global and life-changing. It takes more than the Moon’s daily movement to change your life. For this month’s forecast, we need to step back and take a look at the big picture. The Winter Solstice of 2019 provides a picture of what the year will bring. At that time, in addition to the Sun; Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto were in Capricorn. For more about this review, read my 2020 forecast here:
At this past Winter Solstice, there was a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn as well. This ramped up the Capricorn energy even further. So, this is a Capricorn year. The buzz word for Capricorn and its ruler Saturn is “essential.” This column will be about how that Winter Solstice chart affects the individual signs and what is essential to them. Saturn/Capricorn is also about lessons to be learned. The energy during this year strips you and gets you down to the basics. There is a gift here somewhere. Are we aware enough to see it, sense it, find it? And remember, a Capricorn gift requires work, it will not fall from the sky and land in your lap like magic. Read your Rising Sign too!
Aries: At first glance it may seem that this is all about the material world, your career, your job and your status in the community. But beneath all that there is an awakening to your life’s true direction, your destiny. While sitting at home you begin to realize what really matters to you — what is important and where do you want to go in the future.
Taurus: Forced idleness forces change upon you that you may or may not be ready for. You are opening up to a wider world at a time when you can’t leave your home and hearth. New ideas, learning, opening to different and exotic cultures. How you relate to others and are able to push back against any infringement upon your space, it’s all in the works.
Gemini: While conversation has always been important to you, these days those conversations are deep, probing and at times revealing. Communication, how you talk to them and how they talk to you is eye opening. The ability to share resources is up for review. You are not sure these days where you are heading but you’re ready to go. There is a spiritual component in the middle of all this.
Cancer: Relationships, significant others and those you consult (doctors, lawyers etc.) become more important during this time. Circumstance forces you to respond and express yourself in a way that reflects the real you. Don’t be mad at folks, thank them, because their behavior triggered the truth within you. You can’t always take care of everybody else.
Leo: The Lion’s motto has always been the show must go on, no matter what the crisis. This period has forced you to stop and take a look at your own lifestyle and ask whether your habits are healthy and do they promote your physical, mental and emotional health. Sudden changes in your public and private life open your eyes to areas you have been neglecting. Now is a good time to get on track.
Virgo: You surprise yourself. You know how easy it is for you to become germaphobic, but during this time your creativity has blossomed. Whether it is making masks, writing or redecorating, you are expressing yourself in ways so new to you and so original that you are wondering where all of this has been hiding all these years. The slow down and stop everything will prove to be very helpful to you.
Libra: Social distancing and social isolation is very hard for you. You have had to dig deep within yourself, dig to your foundation to find the energy to go on. You have learned that it is ok to be alone. That you can manage all of this down time. You turn your energies to propping up that foundation. Childhood memories surface and they serve you well.
Scorpio: You are busy now despite the restrictions in place. This slowdown has invigorated you on an intellectual level. Your thought process is undergoing a transformation. Always ready to solve a mystery, you are delving into subjects that require serious thought and study. The month of May sparks your creativity. Things get mystical and spiritual during this time.
Sagittarius: Freewheeling Sagittarius is never comfortable when restricted. Finances prove to be a double-edged sword; while a lot may be coming in, a lot is going out at the same time. Pay close attention to the details. It is unusual for you to get into the self-examination business, but that is exactly what you are doing. You are taking stock of your life’s situation and figuring out what truly matters to you and what doesn’t.
Capricorn: A major life transformation is going on with you whether you realize it or not. It is slow, inexorable and you can’t avoid it. On one hand it may seem that all of your physical and emotional props are melting away; there is also an awakening going on. You are figuring out what is truly essential to you. What you can and can’t live without may surprise you.
Aquarius: You find yourself looking inward and taking cues, consciously or not, from your subconscious. You are literally and figuratively cleaning out the attic, getting rid of what doesn’t serve your higher good and getting rid of the unnecessary baggage you have been carrying around. It will surprise you when you discover how unnecessary all that baggage, garbage and old crap you have been dragging around really is.
Pisces: Dreaming, visualization and affirmations help you to envision the future you want. This is the time for you to plan your future and reaffirm your goals. Think big! The energy is there to plant the seed. Be ready to work for those goals when the opportunity presents itself. Dream big, but plan on working toward your future.