November will prove to be a busy month with some planets changing direction while others are joining forces, creating pockets of energy that will have an impact on the course of events. When Mercury moves from retrograde to direct motion on Election Day, be prepared for information to emerge that corrects any misconceptions. Expect action mid-month when Mars goes direct and Jupiter bonds with Pluto. Politics, public health and shifting tides alter our opinions. Hang on tight!
Aries: Your feelings of being held back and boxed in dissipate mid-month when your ruler, Mars, turns direct. The New Moon on the 15th may send some money your way. Relationships require you to be assertive but diplomatic. Someone crosses your radar that sparks your interest. With careful planning, you can expand your horizons.
Taurus: Relationships improve with co-workers and the more personal type. You have been discovering hidden aspects within, and you are eager to talk about them. Be sure to think before you act as your actions may not have the results that you expect. While your dreams of the future may seem wild, they do help you to plan in a practical manner.
Gemini: Something about your work day, job, grand career plans percolates and bubbles to the surface. Things may have to remain in the planning stages for the time being due to circumstances beyond your control. Not to worry, you are laying the ground work for future endeavors. A friend encourages you to act boldly.
Cancer: Your stay-at-home comfort zone isn’t working for you these days and you look to get up and get out. Do so before the long winter begins. You feel the need to do the things that bring you joy. And you get out there and do those things. Some folks encourage you while others want to keep you down. Do what your heart tells you.
Leo: You work from your home base, organizing and innovating as you go along. Something very public and unexpected shifts your view for the future. Month end brings a real desire for change in your life and plans. Money that you were expecting, perhaps from insurance or tax refund, seems to disappear. Keep moving.
Virgo: A crowded schedule keeps you on the go. You are torn between duty and fun. With careful planning, you can have both. Your ruler, Mercury, is now in direct motion and your inner thoughts and ideas can now be brought to fruition. Your efforts bring forth your creativity, and that creativity gets you through the tough stuff.
Libra: The emphasis is upon you and your personal style. You hold your own against those who oppose you. While they crank up their opposition, you bounce back with facts, tact and persistence. Mid-month, New Moon time, the energy shifts and you examine your personal values. What’s important in the scheme of things?
Scorpio: The New Moon in Scorpio on the 15th signals a new day for you. It is like your personal new moon, so capture that energy. Sit and soak up the vibes on that day and wait for the message, the urge and the inspiration that comes along. Your ideas are deep and profound. Some require work to bring to life. You can do it!
Sagittarius: You focus on your inner life as introspection becomes part of your daily routine. You are doing some deep thinking about money, values, what matters and what does not. There’s a big transformation going on that will take more than a day, week or month. Take these new ideas as they come to you. No worries.
Capricorn: This has been a Capricorn year, some of it difficult but with positive and constructive results. Through your connections and friends, you see opportunity to head in a new direction. You have gained a lot of insight and wisdom over time; use it to plan your next steps. Get ready for some excitement to spark your days.
Aquarius: While the world has been placed on isolation and restriction, you have put this time to good use. This year is a preparation year for you. You are cleaning the cobwebs of the mind out and getting ready for a fresh start. You are almost, but not quite, there yet. You can feel the winds of change. No fears, you’re ready.
Pisces: Things clear up mentally and emotionally for you. As you begin to think clearly, you see how you have been limiting yourself. Awareness of the big, wide world brings you to a change in direction. Think and plan and be ready when the world opens up. In relationships, don’t limit yourself; keep that big old world in mind.