
Album Of The Week: Jose Oyola & The Astronauts’ Hologram

joseNew Haven, Connecticut, musician Jose Oyola brings a wonderful combination of innovation and imagination to his songs. With English and Spanish lyrics to go with a unique style of indie-pop, Oyola exudes a style that nobody can replicate. The fro-haired whizkid and his band of Astronauts have a new album due out titled Hologram, and it radiates brilliance. Beauty in simplicity, Oyola writes catchy tunes that’ll stay with you. There’s a rhythmic groove to go with the album’s sci-fi themes that you’re bound to gravitate to.

With synths, acoustics and beats, there’s a stripped-down quality to Oyola’s music. It doesn’t mean that Hologram is lacking anything, it just means that the album has a peculiar way of delivering a certain type of pop music. Oyola brings his soul into each track; it seems as if all of Hologram is a series of deep, meaningful stories being conveyed through song. The Latin roots and contemporary structures make interesting music, and Oyola has a way of making you think and making you smile with each song he writes.

I don’t know about you, but I dig music that has a little bit of Spanish flair to it, especially when the basis for the sound is an acoustic guitar. Oyola nails it all over Hologram. To get more of an in-depth look at what to check out first, here are my top tracks off of my Album Of The Week:


An existential track about viewing Earth from an extraterrestrial point of view, “Strangers” is catchy while conveying a political message on how we can better the place that we all call home. Another catchy tune is “Indie/Out;” the bass serving as the backbone provides Oyola’s trademark groove that makes his music so unique. With an infectious riff, “Lune” has this surf-rock quality that you’re bound to dive right into.

Jose Oyola & The Astronauts will be celebrate the release of Hologram at College Street Music Hall in New Haven on November 7. It’ll be a star-studded night featuring hip-hop artist Ceschi, roots musician Frank Viele and more. It definitely should be the best local show to happen in The Elm City in quite a while. While you’re at the show, grab a copy of Oyola’s new album; it’ll take you to new worlds and new heights.

Jose Oyola & The Astronauts’ Bandcamp: