Lunar Notes

Changing Seasons, Changing Times – What to Expect From Fall 2015

And the craziness continues. The first day of autumn falls between a Solar and Lunar Eclipse. Eclipses intensify the energy. With Jupiter’s recent entry into Virgo and Saturn’s shift into Sagittarius, the stage has be set and primed for change. Mercury, the news and information guy, is retrograde and Mars the warrior sits in late Leo, poised and itching for a fight.

The week of the Solstice will reflect these changes as Mars enters Virgo and Mercury mixes it up with that heavy hitter Pluto. Big news from powerful people. For the rest of us, some intense conversations. On Friday, September 25, there’s blood in the water when Pluto changes direction and Mars goes bare knuckled with Saturn. Mars and Saturn in any kind of configuration brings out the ugly side of humanity. Things should come to a head at the Lunar Eclipse on the 27. As the dust settles, the spotlight will linger on a tidbit of info at month-end.

We then enter a time band from October 6 to 11 that brings many challenges. Brutal reality tests the faith of many. Difficult conversations take place in an effort to get at the truth. Put off making decisions until after October 9 when Mercury goes direct. New information surfaces and individual thought processes are clearer.

The New Moon on October 12 opens up the door to the possibility of ironing out difficulties. Talk and listen — really listen — and sincerely state your feelings. Do it quickly because by the 15th, fierce battles ensue when Mars enters the picture again, sparring with Pluto then Jupiter. In the middle of all this testosterone Venus opposes Neptune. Love, faith, soul mates and fanaticism create a snarly ball of twine. It’s difficult to get at the truth during this time up until the 24th. Diplomacy and conversation center on issues of power and control. Presidential elections, world events, the economy and the nuts that keep crawling out of the woodwork hit the headlines. On a personal level, relationships form that seem fated.  While this is lovely, strive for a relationship between equals where no one is the boss. The prevalent energy is about seizing power. Taking the high road is a survival technique these days.

The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 27th is a great time to plumb your personal depths. Scorpio Moon is a great time to dig deep. Folks are suspicious and take offense where none was meant, so speak gently and be open. Expect some startling communications, interrupted transportation schedules, strong winds and quirky weather events.

November begins with Mercury’s entry into Scorpio. In Scorpio, speech becomes incisive and folks deal in absolutes. There’s a need to dig deep, using x-ray vision to get to the bottom of things. If there’s a secret, Mercury in Scorpio will discover it. On the 8th of November, Venus enter Libra.  Here at home she offers the olive branch, pouring oil on troubled waters. Venus in Libra greases the social wheel. Here until December 4th, she encourages parties, relationships and artistic pursuits. This is a good time to patch things up with someone you’re on the outs with.

The New Moon on November 11 in Scorpio rouses public opinion. Trends shift and authority figures are placed under pressure. Expect news about treaties, agreements and foreign relations. Powerful interests mix it up on the diplomatic front. In the lead-up to the Full Moon on the 25th, the focus is on love, money and the movers and shakers. This period brings a huge reality check. Some foolishness gets exposed involving leaders and/or authority figures.

The first weeks of December bring a number of hot spots. There’s a lot of hot air out there. A big transportation snafu, a huge verbal blunder and challenges to the status quo. This is an anything-goes period. The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 11 reinforces the volatility. Hang onto your hat, because the season ends with a shocking event.