July begins with a Lunar Eclipse across the Cancer/Capricorn axis. This eclipse falls on the Natal Sun of the July 4, 1776 chart of the US. We can expect more upheaval on many fronts. Venus is now direct in Gemini. Matters involving love and money move forward. Saturn has moved back into Capricorn joining Jupiter and Pluto. They started off the year together and as the month unfolds, expect echoes from the first 6 months of the year. Mercury is retrograde until the Last Quarter Moon on the 12th. Try to save your decision-making until then. New Moon in late Cancer on the 20th brings a fresh perspective as Sun moves into optimistic Leo on the 22nd. July will be a bumpy road for many — two steps forward, one step back — but progress will be made.
Aries: Decisions required that affect many facets of your life may not be put off, but if they can wait, try to wait until after the 12th when Mercury goes direct. Helpful friends — helpful women, especially — are on hand to listen to you and offer you a sounding board. Mars in your sign is a hot spur to action. Try not to be impulsive. Easier said than done.
Taurus: You want to get going, get moving and take action, but circumstance prevents you. This does not prevent you from making concrete plans and having the many important conversations that will clarify your thoughts that will allow you to fulfill those plans when life’s wheel turns again. Expect the unexpected.
Gemini: Venus in your sign brings the desire to party, participate and partake of all the opportunities to connect that have opened up in recent weeks. Money, common funds and common interests require conversation. Try to keep emotions out of it. Logic and facts will take you a long way. When a friend argues with you, send those words right back.
Cancer: The Lunar Eclipse impacts your relationships, all kinds and all levels. Authority figures rub you the wrong way. Friends exhibit odd and unusual behavior. And those significant others in your life present some complex dynamics you need to work through. Fortunately, your conversation skills are at their peak. Think and speak.
Leo: You have been doing a lot of soul searching over the past few weeks. You’re thinking about where you want to go and what you have to do. There is a lot on your plate that you have to deal with, but you will get through it. During this period, the opportunity arises to socialize with friends and make connections. Take advantage of that energy.
Virgo: Those relationships that are fun, lighthearted and playful become a bit more serious and complex. Some may reach a breaking or turning point. Remember to keep the conversation going as you dig deep into motivation. Something you were not aware of surfaces. This helps you to see your way forward.
Libra: The Lunar Eclipse activates some basic issues in your life, like survival techniques. What you need for survival may not be the obvious like food and drink. You have more aesthetic needs. The peace and comfort of your surroundings are vital to you. You will not tolerate someone who is rude, abrupt or belligerent.
Scorpio: Your daily routine, thought process and those you interact with get mixed up and tossed around. A relationship with a spiritual connection undergoes a sudden change and becomes more physical. Your plans for the future shift. Firm up your ideas after the 12th. Mercury direct clears things up for you.
Sagittarius: The recent events in the wide world have you digging into what makes you tick and what it is you really want in life. You have discovered what is truly important to you. You are not through yet as this is a long, slow process. In the meantime, enjoy the pleasant people in your life. One in particular brings a breath of fresh air.
Capricorn: The Lunar Eclipse sitting on you foretells change, particularly change in relationships. Some folks drift out of your life while new folks drift in. You don’t miss those who are gone, and you welcome the new as they bring ideas and conversation that stimulate and excite. Your creativity blossoms with the new and different.
Aquarius: You become much more aware of how your emotional, spiritual self influences your physical self. So much has bubbled up from your sub-conscious that you are compelled to speak about it. Someone you see on a daily basis proves to be a great sounding board. Romance and other fun things enter the picture.
Pisces: The Lunar Eclipse brings about a change. You alter your goals, but not after having discussed, examined and reviewed all of your options. You begin to look at some parts of your life from a different perspective. You get creative with your options and see new possibilities before you.