Aries: The Solar Eclipse on October 14th falls in the relationship zone of your horoscope. This can bring focus and change into this area of your life. Activity and thought centers around how you relate to people and who you relate to too. Some relationships may not survive this energy. If they don’t, chances are you did not need that relationship anyway.
Taurus: The potent energies of October activates your work, health, and daily routine. Heightened awareness around these factors brings closer examination. Diet and health issues can alter your daily routine as you may choose to become more active. Ride a bike instead of taking the bus, that sort of thing. Change is in the air and that is not a bad thing.
Gemini: Events outside yourself opens and awakens you to what truly makes you happy. You are going to do what you want to do and you begin to experience things with childlike wonder as you realize how much you have been doing things that weren’t for you. You make some cosmetic changes in your private space that is more closely aligned with your mood.
Cancer: The main focus in October for you is home and, family, ancestry even. The eclipse hits your foundation, whereverwhere ever and whatever makes you feel like you are on solid ground shifts and alters your perceptions of what is safe and reliable and what is not. Not to worry, you will soon regain your sea legs after learning more about yourself and by gaining confidence.
Leo: Change of routine, change of mind, change of commute, all of this is on the agenda for October. You may experience an extra cash flow but perhaps will be too busy to enjoy it as events and people have you running to and fro all about town. An authority figure shocks you with some unexpected remarks or actions. Somehow this will be to your benefit.
Virgo: Increased social activity keeps you hopping and does a number on your cash flow, with more going out than you would wish. Enjoy the fun while you can but do plan on taking a hard look at the budget. You are learning what is important to you and what activities you value the most. In the future you’ll spend your cash where it counts.
Libra: The Solar Eclipse, in Libra, you can’t avoid, it’s in your face. Eclipses bring change and with this one you may change your appearance, your financial strategy, and your working environment. Some of this may be slight alterations. Some secret or hidden romantic interest develops. You may have to decide whether or not to continue with this liaison.
Scorpio: Something hidden, secrets and such, are revealed. This may cause some dissension between you and the people in your life. You are ready to defend yourself against some powerful, unusual, and maybe some “horse of a different color” types that come your way. A friendship develops into something a little bit more.
Sagittarius: Friends and group associations shift and get you moving in a different direction. These relationships are altered in some way. The change may come from you or form natural circumstances. Your reputation is good now and you are viewed favorably by those in authority. Responsibilities on the home front need to be taken care of in a timely manner.
Capricorn: The Solar Eclipse impacts your life path, career, public standing, and reputation. Your interests shift as well. Cultural activities, athletics, and anything unusual attracts, interests, and intrigues you now. Disagreements among friends bring out the aggressive in some. Nothing you can’t handle. You’re cool under pressure and keep to the facts.
Aquarius: Your philosophy of life gets highlighted by the eclipse. You want to explore other worlds. You may simply be an armchair traveler, reading and viewing videos of faraway places. Or you may decide to pack up and go. In any event, your world view expands and you are fascinated with foreign cultures and want to learn more.
Pisces: The romantic and frivolous comes face to face with harsh reality. It need not be so harsh. You reevaluate those views and values you share with others. Some changes may be made there and some relationships may change. Some helpful people enter your life bringing pleasant exchanges and a possible romance. Enjoy!