Aries: This is a very busy period for you as you exert a lot of effort to get a lot of things done. Someone gives you a gift of tangible value that they wish to keep on the down-low. The ins and outs of cash find you poised to find a real bargain. With all the news and information coming your way, be sure to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Taurus: You begin this period with confidence and optimism, but you begin second-guessing yourself, questioning your worth and your abilities. Get off that track fast; you know your value, what you’re good at and what you are not so good at. The person or situation that is bringing you down needs to be looked at with a fresh eye.
Gemini: Gemini is flying off the walls these days with so much to do and not enough time to do it. You’ve got the energy for whatever comes at you. Use it wisely. Good news is headed your way and could bring a nice financial windfall. Big ideas pepper your landscape and you plan to utilize them.
Cancer: You’ve got your social face on and take advantage of the assortment of gatherings and get-togethers sent your way. Although you are quite the social butterfly, there is a lot going on behind the scenes. You are doing a bit of soul searching, digging deep into your psyche and finding a better way to be you.
Leo: Leo is flying high, soaring above the madding crowd. Take advantage of every moment as lady luck rides shotgun. You’re meeting people, making connections and gaining experience. You’re able to take your creative ideas and manifest them in the material world. A secret romance gets serious.
Virgo: This is the time to follow your bliss. Job, career, money — they are all important, but think about what feeds your soul. Follow that path. Creative and artistic friends point the way. While you’re feeding your soul, maintain your power base — that place, circumstance or condition that makes you feel secure. Accept invites from friends.
Libra: Taking care of the day-to-day business of life does not preclude you from making big plans for the future. Your mind and thoughts reach far and wide as you contemplate your next step. As you are in good favor now with authority figures and friends, you may have to juggle your social calendar a bit. Not to worry, you’ll fit it all in.
Scorpio: As usual, Scorpio asks the deep and probing questions of self and those around you. You will get to the bottom of it all, the current situation, existence and/or the meaning of life. While you puzzle and ponder these things, don’t forget the fun stuff. Get out, lighten up and have an excursion. Friends invite and accept.
Sagittarius: Sagittarius takes on some serious stuff these days. Lots of conversation occurs with significant others. These conversations run from the cordial to the belligerent. Listen, reply and state the facts as you see them. This ain’t a contest. You see things others don’t see — tough explaining that to some folks.
Capricorn: Although deep and profound things are going on with you now, you still have to deal with the day-to-day crap that keeps lives running smoothly. You rethink how to do this in a way that serves you better. Romance and nice relations with others play a big role now. Secrets are revealed while some are kept.
Aquarius: Aquarius looks for fun and games during this period; a little romance wouldn’t hurt either. You’re living in the moment and enjoying life like a child. Go for it! You have a lot of brilliant and innovative ideas now; write this stuff down before you lose it. Old friend/s provide support and some of that fun you’re after.
Pisces: New ideas emerge that assist you in shoring up your foundation, or that place that makes you feel secure. It is not always four walls and a roof. You may have to redo some stuff on the home front, but that doesn’t stop you from enjoying life. A little romance spices things up, and a friendly smile from co-workers keeps you upbeat.