Aries: Serious conversations clear the deck for a new beginning that improves your daily routine. You encounter people as you go about your business who awaken you to new possibilities. You focus your energy in a variety of areas from workaday necessities to romance and fun things like sporting events. Creativity is enhanced.
Taurus: Once you tie up some financial loose ends, you are ready for some fun. You bring the party into your home as you continue to spruce the place up. You’re inspired and creative, finding new ways to express yourself as well as new ways to make money. Your mental, physical and emotional health is improved when you talk about your feelings.
Gemini: Social, business and personal lives get busy. You have the energy to get things organized and streamline your daily routine. Some concerns about security and safety issues put the focus on defining your comfort zone. Operating from your home base, you meet people and find opportunity to improve finances.
Cancer: You’re ready to implement the new ideas and insights you have gained through your inner journey. A financial issue moves ahead, allowing you the freedom to explore and expand your world. As your network expands, look for opportunities and good luck happenings in your own neighborhood. Remain open to the possible.
Leo: It feels like a new beginning for you on a number of levels. On the spiritual level, an awakening has you thinking about the important people and stuff in your life. You’re energetic, social and quite popular these days. Your busy social life includes some lucky possibilities involving finances. Try to stash some of that extra cash.
Virgo: Despite the fact that there is a lot going on behind the scenes with you, you are out front leading the parade. The New Moon on the 13th kicks off a year that promises to be spectacular. With Jupiter in your sign, be ready for opportunity, lucky breaks and benevolent people who help you to open up your world.
Libra: Secrets are revealed, awakening an awareness of hidden aspects of yourself that impact your life in ways that you were not conscious of. You articulate these ideas and concepts to friends and significant others in your life. This has a therapeutic effect on you. Friends are the doorway to romantic and financial opportunity.
Scorpio: As the summer winds down, you prepare to head in a new direction. Your plans for the future reflect the good standing you have with authority figures, colleagues and friends. Be ready for your circle of friends to expand as new and helpful people enter your life. Listen to that voice within; it is insightful and speaks your truth.
Sagittarius: Conversation and an exchange of ideas with folks in your life has you shifting gears and changing direction as you become aware of new possibilities and opportunities. You’re exposed to new ideas, different cultures and alternative philosophies of life. A friend offers some creative advice. Listen, but make up your own mind.
Capricorn: Cold Capricorn proves to be not so cold as passions are aroused. This includes physical, spiritual and intellectual passions. You’re exposed to new ideas and are in a fever to share them. Do so; during this period your voice is heard. No matter how wild the idea seems, you know it springs from a solid foundation.
Aquarius: Relationships are both pleasant and rocky. It’s a minefield and Aquarius needs to take careful steps to avoid a blow up. You may not be able to avoid it, but you’re ready to dig your heels in and fight for what you believe in. When folks push your buttons, push right back. You’re not crazy and your ideas are valid.
Pisces: Relationships bring serious conversations that improve your life. You have to face harsh reality first, but it is worth it in the end. You encounter some interesting people who offer new ideas and open you to new possibilities. Papers regarding a financial matter need to be read very carefully before signing.