Aries: Your actions shock those around you provoking some lively conversations. Some are pleasant, others not so pleasant. Amidst all the noise, listen for the wise one. This person offers solid advice and information. Your mind is seeking knowledge and will take it wherever it can get it. Keep up the hunt for the truth.
Taurus: Secrets are revealed involving co-workers, siblings or another in your immediate environment. When the smoke clears, you find some creative and/or romantic activity on your doorstep. A serious commitment creates monetary challenges. An expected influx of cash does not materialize.
Gemini: Steer clear of any enterprise involving friends and money. That is, if you want to stay friends. This is a period of fun and amusement where you partake of those activities that bring you joy. Keep it that way. Love and romance are distinct possibilities. An interesting person pops up close to home.
Cancer: You find all that you need now sticking close to home. While you are busy with the fun and the serious stuff, you find everything going on is within commuting distance. Discussions take place concerning home and career and how to balance that to your satisfaction. Both are important to you, but changes force adjustments.
Leo: You’re very busy during this period. Conversations range from the practical to the philosophical. A disagreement over money mars an otherwise pleasant period. A creative project is well grounded and set to go. Your mind is open to the new and different as you are seeing the big picture these days.
Virgo: As you try and figure out what is important to you, you open up the spiritual side of life. When looking for someone to instruct you in these matters, beware of the fraudulent. You want the real deal. Trust your instinct on this issue. Some remodeling or restructuring on the home front is in order.
Libra: Change is in the air and you are ready for it. While your monetary situation improves, it is the spiritual side of things that you find most important. Some serious conversations take place. A newfound love or friendship remains on the secretive side for the time being. Someone behaves in a shocking manner.
Scorpio: A major shift in the energy occurs during this period as mighty Jupiter moves into your sign. Be ready for your world to open up and new opportunities to present themselves. To begin with, new friendships and alliances form. It is a time of beginnings and endings. Beware of too much of a good thing.
Sagittarius: Your focus is on where you are going and where you want to go. There’s a change in direction as you balance the new and different against the tried and true. An inner shift begins taking you from the material to the spiritual. Friends offer advice and information, but above all, listen to that inner voice. Pay attention to your hunches.
Capricorn: Changes, both visible and invisible, spiritual and material, mark this period in your life. Unexpected events, while disruptive, offer opportunities to expand your world and your outlook. This is an anything-goes time for you. An increase in salary and an expansion in your circle of friends and acquaintances improve your standing.
Aquarius: You set out to discover new worlds as you’re looking for the unusual and different. Off the beaten track is your cup of tea these days. Write down your thoughts and ideas during this period as you have some brilliant but fleeting ones. Keep track of them. Old friends prove their worth.
Pisces: Receiving the recognition you have earned my come in the form of a monetary payout or in an upgrade in your status. Deep conversation with those close to you can veer toward the unpleasant. Try to maintain a calm state of being. Speak your piece in a non-threatening manner. Don’t waste your energy on anger.