Aries: Relationships become explosive throughout this period. Maintain your cool while others boil over. Don’t be taken in by rumor and innuendo. Get the facts before you act. Do take the time to retreat, regroup and listen to that quiet inner voice. Figure out what is right for you, what works for you and what really matters to you.
Taurus: Relationships begin anew as you awaken to your needs and how they are fulfilled by those you interact with. Some deep and penetrating conversations have to take place. Some folks may not be happy with your new method of relating. Some new, interesting and helpful people enter your life. Listen to the wise ones.
Gemini: Conversations are serious and wide ranging as the verbal interaction opens your mind and heart. Even though love and romance are on the table, you don’t neglect your duties and responsibilities. Ever active mentally, you figure out new ways to make your life run smoother. Your daily routine becomes filled with fun and interesting people.
Cancer: Life is a mixture of fun-filled socializing and onerous duties that have to be gotten through. Some of this can be quite tedious. Through it all you are learning to express yourself in a way that reflects the true you. You find love, romance and fascinating people doing the things that bring you joy.
Leo: Feelings and desires rumble up from deep within, guiding you in a new direction. New ideas, new friends and new romantic interests bring variety into your life. Your business keeps you close to home with an occasional long commute. Someone wants to get serious. You require some more conversation and exchange of information.
Virgo: Your mind expands to encompass the beautiful and the foreign, and entertains the prospect of bringing new and interesting people into your immediate environment. You’re open to the new and different. Expect some upsetting financial developments, perhaps connected to home improvements or necessary expenditures.
Libra: Libra takes a fighting stance, ready to defend against those who would attempt to upset and disrupt their balanced existence. Money and what you value the most comes up in some serious conversations. The beautiful attracts you now, and you are tempted to spend on something luxurious. Think about it first.
Scorpio: Something new is brewing in your life. New people, new opportunity and new ideas are all part of the stew. You want to examine all your options before making your move. Jupiter’s entry into Scorpio brings you a year of expansiveness. It’s “lucky break” time. There’s no rush to action. Think and plan, it’s all coming your way.
Sagittarius: Much is going on behind the scenes. The secret and the hidden occupy your thoughts. Thanksgiving brings you out into the sunlight. You spend a lot of time with friends. Someone new and unusual enters your life. You make plans for the future and take steps to get you closer to where you want to be.
Capricorn: You touch base with many of your friends and acquaintances during this period, all the while attracting new folks and expanding your network. While the emphasis is on your public life, much is going on in your private life as well. You’re clearing the decks for something new.
Aquarius: You’re dreaming big these days with the feeling that anything is possible. You back that up with some practical action and solid ideas. Your popularity increases and you receive good reviews on the job and in your personal life. Your thoughts turn to romance and other fun things. You do what you enjoy doing the most.
Pisces: Your challenge this period is to maintain the balance between your work and domestic life. Public demands and responsibilities prevent you from enjoying the privacy of your own home. You’re attracted to new philosophies and ways of thinking. Someone from a different background than your own attracts you.