Aries: Disrupted schedules, interruptions and change of plans are the order of the day. A cancelled trip or rerouting causes headaches. What’s important to a partner or other people in your life becomes an issue. Review important documents. While Mercury is retrograde, organize your space and establish some good habits.
Taurus: Money and what you value the most requires some rethinking and reorganization. A tax, estate or insurance issue comes up for review. Consult with someone qualified to give the advice you need. Some confusion, delusion, illusion surrounds a friend or romantic interest. Things clear up later in the month.
Gemini: Relationships of all kinds keep you busy. Seems like everyone has an opinion and may or may not consider yours valid. When some folks become belligerent, use your communications skills to chill them out. Don’t let others drive you crazy. Stick to your course and defend your position. A little romance lightens things up.
Cancer: Your passions are aroused. This is deep and primitive. Step back and take a deep breath when things get too intense. You scrutinize ideas, people and topics in your immediate environment. No passion here, just plain old solid logic. Some changes in the workplace shift the authority from one to another. Hang in there.
Leo: The season is truly festive for you this year. Don’t forget any small, important details that need to be attended to. A signature on a document perhaps? You rethink a social contact or romantic connection. Romance, friends and acquaintances play an important role during this period. A wet blanket is moving away from you.
Virgo: Agitation and aggravation make some days stressful. Some days are just plain busy. Your routine opens you to a broader view of life. The wide world is at your doorstep. You find some peace and serenity on the home front. Your personal space is an oasis. Here you can revise and review your plans for moving forward.
Libra: A busy schedule and information overload may force you to slow down a bit. Take advantage of some social events that provide fun and relaxation. You attract some very nice people to you now. Some of your concerns about money are over as a raise or financial windfall makes life much easier for you.
Scorpio: You’re pumped up and ready to go these days. Jupiter and Mars in your sign give you an energy boost and bring good fortune your way. The big danger here is overdoing things. Sit down before you fall down. You have a lot of energy now; use it wisely. Money woes may soon be over. Socialize with those you care about.
Sagittarius: You have one more onerous task to complete before the weight is lifted. Other than that, your holiday season looks bright filled with people and pleasure. Some relationships take on added significance. Be wary of your own actions. Be sure that what you are doing is in your best interests. Think first and play wait and see.
Capricorn: You’re ready to leap ahead, but hold on a bit as there are some issues that need to be resolved. Rethink your course of action. You’re generally lucky during this period when it comes to friends and acquaintances, but there is always that one person who behaves like a pain. Walk away; it’s their anger, not yours.
Aquarius: You get together with likeminded folks and these gatherings are a huge success. You expand your network and may even spark up a romance or two. Your ambitions are roused and you receive some favorable reviews. A financial issue needs some last-minute tweaking. Read the fine print.
Pisces: Your thinking expands as you take in more of what life has to offer. Something in your professional life or in your life’s direction comes up for review. Think about this before you move ahead or make changes. A month from now, you will feel different. Enjoy your social life and look to the wise ones around you for advice.