Lunar Notes

Lunar Notes
August 2022

Aries: Taking advantage of the summer weather, you focus on enjoyment. Your fun-time calendar is filled with social engagements, romantic interludes and activities that you especially enjoy. Month end brings a soft landing back into the workaday world. By that time, you’ll be ready for it. You’re in the right place at the right time.

Taurus: Your preferences bounce between staying at home and going out and socializing with the fun crowd. You take equal enjoyment in both. You continue to deal with some upsetting and unexpected changes in your life. Some of these changes may impact your budget. Your practical side takes over and you deal with them wisely.

Gemini: The hot summer days do nothing to slow you down. You keep moving, enjoying all that the season brings. Some interesting conversations between you and your siblings, neighbors and anyone else who happens to cross your path. Some of those convos hit close to the bone. You detect some strange undercurrents.

Cancer: Financial issues need to be dealt with. Don’t put it off or it will come back and bite you. There could be a snag or snafu with some incoming funds. By the Full Moon things should straighten out. You’ll be doing a lot of running around town, talking, signing papers and generally connecting with all sorts of people along the way.

Leo: You’re the star of the show these days. You don’t mind as you love the spotlight. Venus in your sign until September keeps you busy doing the social thing: parties, dinners, music and dancing and whatever else strikes your fancy. Be wary of someone who wants to rain on your parade. You’re in no mood for restriction.

Virgo: Much goes on behind the scenes and beneath the surface with you during this period. As the month unfolds the action comes out of the background and becomes quite obvious. At the Full Moon, secrets are revealed. You organize and stick to a schedule that produces concrete results.

Libra: You make connections with an eye to the future. These connections are not all serious, many are simply for the fun of it. You attract the congenial and the pleasant in your daily travels. There’s a mix of people, some are wise, some not so wise. Be wary of someone who promises more than they can deliver.

Scorpio: Some aggravation heads your way during the first part of the month. Things begin to shift leading up to and at the Full Moon. Your focus shifts from all business to pleasure. It is not all fun and games as you keep your eye on the important stuff. You are getting used to the surprises people throw at you. Roll with the punches.

Sagittarius: Serious thought mixed with joyous activities combine to bring you some very interesting, if not unusual days. Some days are stuck in the mud routine while others bring sudden, unexpected breaks in that routine. The Full Moon brings a longing for faraway places along with the reminder of responsibilities. Such is life.

Capricorn: While there has been some excitement in your life it has not kept you from taking care of business. Be ready for some surprise surrounding kids, lovers and finances. Someone close to home provides some good advice. It pays to listen. Amidst all the summertime fun you have kept your eye on what’s important. 

Aquarius: Relationships, both personal and professional require your attention. Some of this is all fun and romantic while others require you to think and take care of business. The crazy and unexpected continue on the home front. Weird glitches with electronics and appliances baffle the experts. Maybe a new romance is on the horizon.

Pisces: Conversation with someone in your immediate circle brings something startling to the surface. Life is full of surprises for you. You navigate easily through the unexpected events that get thrown your way. In relationships, be sure you are clear and that you fully understand where the other person is coming from.