Lunar Notes

Lunar Notes
December 2022

Aries: Jupiter moves into Aries just in time for Christmas. He’s the fairy godfather granting holiday wishes. In Aries until May 2023, Jupiter puts you in the right place at the right time. Don’t be overconfident, it will come back to bite you. Keep to the defense until your ruler, Mars, goes direct in mid-January.

Taurus: You spend a lot of time and energy working to resolve budget and other financial issues. Security is important to you and you are also reevaluating the people and things that are truly near and dear to your heart. You’re looking at the big picture, planning ahead, and making changes as needed.

Gemini: Mars retro in your sign until Mid-January reminds you to stick to your defenses. You might want to go full speed ahead but initiating anything at this time is not advisable. Hold off and keep planning and revising your goals. Tweak it all until you are sure where you’re heading. Inaction is tough for you but sometimes necessary.

Cancer: After tidying up your surroundings you run into some issues revolving around those near and dear to you. You’ve been tolerant so far but now you find there are some things you simply cannot allow to go on. It could be someone controlling or limiting you in some way. Whatever it is, it’s time to have a much-needed conversation.

Leo: As the month begins you find yourself doing all the things you love. Life is lively and gay. As mid-month approaches, you settle down and begin taking care of business and doing some year-end cleanup. You make some moves that surprise those close to you. They’re shocked, you’re not.

Virgo: While you are clear and precise, those around you emit mixed signals. It’s like they are surrounded by fog and you are having trouble discerning who they really are and what they are really saying. Things brighten around the holiday and you are set to enjoy yourself. You do the things you really love to do. Happy! Happy!

Libra: You vacillate between hanging at home and traveling afar, although afar may simply be outside your neighborhood. Conversations with someone delve into deep philosophical discussions. Things get heavy, no light-hearted laughter here. You handle it all well, weighing it all in the balance. Your optimism rules the day. 

Scorpio: You throw the budget out the window during this holiday season. Not to worry, you don’t go off the deep end too far. As the month unfolds you get really busy managing to juggle multiple tasks and engagements. Despite a lot of ups and downs, you have everything well in hand. You remain grounded. 

Sagittarius: The month begins in a social whirl. You’re alright with that as you get right into the holiday spirit. The New Moon on the 23rd has a sobering effect on you. You still enjoy but refrain from throwing caution to the winds. Some serious conversations ensue as you deal with some uncooperative folks.

Capricorn: As the holiday approaches you clear out some old garbage that has been hanging around. Much of this is mental garbage. The New Moon in your sign on the 23rd signals a time of new beginnings. You attract people and all that is pleasant to you now. Despite all the fun, games, and frivolity you maintain the practical foundation that serves you well. Someone new and exciting enters the scene. 

Aquarius: Friends reach out to you and you respond with just the right amount of concern without smothering them. They brighten your day as you do theirs. This prompts some introspection as the year winds down. You work on getting rid of the cobwebs, literally and figuratively. You combine fun and taking care of business.

Pisces: During this period you really engage with friends and like-minded individuals. Folks who share your ideals and goals. This camaraderie goes a long way in making your holiday a happy one. You still have to deal with upsets in your schedule and snafus on the highway but you roll with the punches and keep moving on.