Lunar Notes

Lunar Notes
January 2023

Aries: You concentrate on networking and positioning yourself, with an eye to the future. Who do you want to be and where do you want to go? Jupiter in your sign until May brings good fortune and puts you in the right place at the right time. Take advantage of this time. Be wary of becoming overconfident and promising more than you can deliver.

Taurus: You contemplate a career move and change in direction. Wait until mid-month before making any big changes. During the New Moon on the 21st, certain developments emerge that have a bearing on your future plans. Assess these changes before making any decisions. Money is important but you are searching for satisfaction.

Gemini: You will be shifting gears when Mars goes direct on the 12th and Mercury, your ruler, on the 18th. Certain issues become clear and you are energized as you begin to plan your next steps. You factor in budget issues before making changes. You adjust your thinking and actions to suit the situation you find yourself in. Your asset is your adaptability.

Cancer: As the New Year begins, you scrutinize some of your relationships. Do these folks have the same values as you? While you are analyzing all of this, some new and exciting people enter your life. They are different and fun but may not be stable or long-term. Only you can decide who is in your life and who is not.

Leo: You keep a healthy balance between work and play. The folks in your life are a mixed bag of colleagues, friends, and family. Some friendships become problematic and you wonder why they want to argue. Some serious conversations take place. Along with the difficult ones, there are those you really enjoy. You’re good at balancing both types.

Virgo: You move easily from the holiday festivities to the everyday routine. You have serious but pleasant relationships with colleagues as well as friends and acquaintances during this period. A financial windfall resulting in some legal issues comes to fruition. While you are attentive to work, you make time for some socializing with a romantic twist.

Libra: You transition from stay-at-home to out-and-about, taking care of business, and socializing in a big way. You’re exposed to people who broaden your horizons and help you see the big picture. There may be some legal issues or upsets in the cash flow. These issues don’t slow you down as you continue on your way.

Scorpio: As the month begins, you’re busy with appointments, conversations, and generally running around town. By the New Moon on the 21st, you’re ready to settle in and remain on the home front for a while. Around this period someone acts in a surprising and upsetting manner. You don’t mind the unusual but when things get too crazy you prefer to distance yourself.

Sagittarius: You think about the things and people you value and how to get more of those in your life. You don’t have much time for contemplation as the pace of your life picks up and you have to juggle tasks, phone calls, and social engagements. Jupiter in your love sector brings a wealth of possibilities your way. Enjoy, but think it over before you commit.

Capricorn: You assert yourself and move into position for the New Year ahead. Your planning includes budget and how to use your time to the best of advantage to you. This does not preclude some wild and crazy social events. Some unusual, creative people enter your circle of friends. They liven things up, something you are ready for.

Aquarius: Venus in your sign at the start of the New Year extends the festivities for you. Don’t make the mistake of neglecting your everyday business. You can handle both work and play at this time. The January New Moon signals a time for change. Expect some craziness around the 22nd. You have no problems with the unexpected as it brings some excitement.

Pisces: You happily connect with all your friends and acquaintances. Your network expands, introducing you to some interesting people. A financial windfall helps to pay off the holiday bills that come due in January. Your daily routine is anything but routine as surprises and upsets force you to adjust your schedule. You roll with it all easily.