Aries: Your jolly July takes on a more somber tone after the New Moon on July 17. Responsibilities come calling, bringing some problems with co-workers and more tedium to your daily routine. Questions arise in a budding romance when Venus goes retrograde on July 22. Some things were not as they seemed. Muddle through and get answers to your questions.
Taurus: The positive, unexpected and restrictive join forces, bringing a mixed bag of events, problems, and solutions to your everyday life. The New Moon energy perks up your daily routine. Your ruler, Venus, goes retrograde on July 22. Questions about love, money, and your sense of security arise. Old friends offer sound advice.
Gemini: Turmoil involving your home life, public life, and authority figures forces some serious conversations. Use your verbal skills and quick wit to get your point across. Be diplomatic but assertive. Neighbors and siblings offer a welcome respite from the strife in your life at this time. The results of all this brings some surprises on the work front.
Cancer: The New Moon of July 17 in the sign of Cancer signals a time for change. This is your annual “personal” New Moon. Issues around money, values, and security arise. This brings up some emotional issues for you but this is the time for logic. Use your head. A few quirky friends offer up advice. Pay attention, listen, but make up your own mind.
Leo: Venus in Leo turns retrograde on July 22 and remains so until September 3. Pay attention to events in your life leading up to those dates and what happens in between. Retrograde periods are reevaluating periods. Venus is love, money, attraction, and desire. These issues are under review. No worries, Venus is lovely.
Virgo: With Mars’ entry into your sign, you are energized and raring to go. This is a good time to start a new exercise program as physical activity is a positive use of the energy. This period is not without its problems, as you can become quite aggressive and experience push back from those you interact with. Plans for the future formulate now.
Libra: You feel like moving in a different direction rather than the same old, same old. Money, social life, friends, and associations all play a part in your shifting priorities. While an unexpected windfall may appear, most of your gains come through your own hard work and nose to the grindstone attitude. Through it all, your social life is active and fun.
Scorpio: A career opportunity presents itself. Any career move you put on hold as you figure out what you really want. Money is only part of the equation. Some normally fun-type friends become not so friendly while some unusual folks enter your life. This period brings a real mixed bag of people, events, and opportunities.
Sagittarius: Your daily routine is anything but routine. On one hand, you’re bored stiff, on the other, unexpected disruptions liven up the day. Patience is required. You make plans for the future, a trip perhaps. Some of this may be delayed until mid-September. Make your plans anyway. Responsibilities come first but there is always room for some fun.
Capricorn: The New Moon brings a change in relationships. This may come from you as you examine how you relate to others and what you really require in a relationship. A mixed bag of excitement and tedium presents itself to you during this period. You juggle them both, taking care of business and reveling in the excitement.
Aquarius: Money and what you hold dear occupy your thoughts these days. What you considered important has become less so. You take a second look at relationships and possessions. Ever the rebel you look to shake up your routine. Some unexpected disruptions on the home front do that shaking up for you.
Pisces: Your life is a mixture of fun, excitement, mystical events, and harsh reality. Navigating through all of this keeps you on your toes. The people and events in your immediate surroundings serve to broaden your outlook as you look beyond the routine. Dream big now as your vision opens up, while at the same time you are grounded in reality.