Aries: You rock the social scene, connecting with those who share your interests. A love affair comes under review along with your usual favorite pastimes. Some activities and people seem to have lost their initial attraction. Give it some thought before you ditch the people, activities, and events that fill your life. Change is good but careful consideration is called for.
Taurus: Life continues to be topsy-turvy for you. You use whatever tools are available to you to navigate through this constant upheaval. Your ruler, Venus, is in retrograde until September 3, so reevaluation of your values, romantic liaisons, and finances is in order. Don’t act too quickly; wait until September to make any major changes.
Gemini: Conversations center around home and family, as well as career considerations. You plan for the future. You’re torn between big dreams and fantasy and the hard realities of life. You can make your dreams real, step by step. Dream big and take those first baby steps to bring those dreams to fruition. Listen to what folks have to say. Practical wisdom there.
Cancer: Your wants and desires come under scrutiny during this period. It may take a degree of soul searching for you to figure out what it is you truly want. Your feelings are valid. If something does not feel right then it is probably wrong for you. Conversations may become prickly, but stand your ground. You will know what you want.
Leo: Relationships move to the front burner now as you begin to question some of your associations. Venus, retrograde in Leo, sends a reevaluation signal to all of your interactions. Review, revise, and examine what is working for you in your exchanges with others. Have the necessary conversations to clear the air.
Virgo: Mars and your ruler Mercury in Virgo brings lots of action your way, physical as well as mental. Your mind sorts through details, your body takes action and keeps on moving. Remember to pause and take a breath now and then. Take the time to chill out and meditate on your issues. Answers will float from the depths to the surface.
Libra: You spend time in introspection, mulling things over, from work to finances to your favorite recreative pastimes. Some unexpected financial issues require some careful thinking. This could be a windfall of cash that needs to be managed wisely. You find that your best answers and advice come from within.
Scorpio: People continue to puzzle you as they continue to act out of character. A few engage in some really bizarre behavior. You carry on, making many connections and new friends that serve to widen your world and broaden your horizons. You’re able to harness your creativity and bring some of your ideas to fruition.
Sagittarius: Events place you at center stage, in the public eye, and getting noticed. This can be a good thing or a not-so-good thing. Depends on what you really want at this time. It might enhance your reputation but may also highlight your weaknesses. You continue working on improving your work space and relationships. Innovation is the key.
Capricorn: You combine your natural practicality with some ingenious, creative ideas, making your life run much more smoothly. Some serious conversations are taking place with those near and far. The prevailing energy is good for financial review and resetting of financial goals. You’re streamlining your life and realizing some things are not that important to you.
Aquarius: The Full Moon in your sign revs you up for action. You’re not into the crazies but simply want to move and shake things up. Some folks in your life are not happy with this call to action. You take a second look at those folks. You also take a look at finances and what is important to you. Tighten the belt and ditch the extraneous.
Pisces: You want to make changes and your thinking runs from the wildly improbable to harsh reality. Keep thinking things over and you will come to a middle ground that is both creative and practical. These changes could be in your work world, neighborhood, and relationships. Some serious conversations may need to take place.