Lunar Notes

Lunar Notes
June 28 to July 11, 2023

Lunar Notes

Aries: You direct your energy into the fun things you like to do. Those in authority or the more judgmental in your crowd have other ideas about what is best for you. You are not about to march to their drum beat. You do what brings you pleasure and will take care of business when you have to. 

Taurus: Lots of excitement in your life these days. Surprise and the unexpected are the order of the day. You keep close to home and enjoy some fun times and interesting conversations despite the occasional upheaval. Use your imagination when planning for your future. No matter how crazy an idea may seem, consider it. Bounce it off an old and trusted friend.

Gemini: Questions arise about the division of cash and responsibilities. What’s mine and What’s yours. This not only encompasses the physical, but the mental and emotional as well. You can’t carry other’s emotional baggage and they can’t carry yours. Get clear about who owns what. Conversations go from the pleasant to the not so pleasant. Plow through. 

Cancer: Conversations take place that have been a long time coming. You’re a regular chatterbox and that is okay. You need to say what needs to be said. You connect with new and very different people as your world expands. Friends and acquaintances introduce you to some startling ideas and startling people. You go with the flow.

Leo: Energized and ready to roll, you sparkle with a certain charisma that attracts all things pleasant to you from people to prominent positions. Those in authority look kindly upon you and opportunity heads your way. Beneath the surface you are doing some soul searching figuring out who you are and what you want. Keep digging.

Virgo: Networking is the name of the game for you as you seem to be making new connections all over the place. The people in your life run the gamut from the staid and practical to the dreamy and spiritual. You balance their interests with yours and manage to maintain these varied relationships. Your actions may not get the results you expected. 

Libra: Something that has been brewing comes to a head as July begins. A personal or professional relationship, an argumentative friend, or a financial situation involving others. Either way you cannot escape it. You are able to see both sides of any situation. Use that ability to calmy converse and straighten things out. 

Scorpio: A busy time brings lots of running around town bumping into some unusual sights and people. You think those deep thoughts far away from the daily routine stuff. What makes the world go round, and how do you fit into all of this? Some topics are simply too big to comprehend. But you dig in anyway. Along the way you manage some pleasant convos. 

Sagittarius: Your values are changing. What was important to you no longer carries the weight it once did. You are setting new standards for yourself and looking beyond your immediate environment. New methods of working also play into this new scheme of things. You give your adventurous self free rein to wander and explore. 

Capricorn: You focus your energy on clearing out some old garbage. This could be simply cleaning out the attic, however it manifests, this is the time to get rid of what no longer serves you. You’re moving on to a new stage and won’t be dragging leftover junk with you. You’re lighter and happier as a result. Fun times begin. 

Aquarius: You swivel from frugality to total disregard for budgets, costs and practical needs, spending time and money on what feeds your soul. This is okay but in the long run you will need to get back to reality on a steady basis. The ups and downs in your life extend to your relationships as well. Some are pleasant while some folks are a bit testy. 

Pisces: You have always been a big dreamer and now is the time to turn those dreams into reality. This won’t be accomplished by waving a magic wand but through practical, incremental steps. Once you begin taking those steps your world will open up and you will see that your dreams can really become real and concrete.