March opens with a powerful conjunction between warrior Mars and ruler of the underworld, Pluto. Although peacemaker Venus is in the mix, the dogs of war strain to be unleashed. At the end of the month, Mars squares off with Uranus, expect a big surprise. Whatever it is, you won’t see it coming.
Aries: While you’re out socializing and building your network much goes on behind the scenes with you. New ideas and plans emerge from your subconscious. You wonder where all this is coming from, but it is coming from you. Time to take a look at all of that and incorporate it into your conscious lifestyle.
Taurus: In the spotlight with new friends, job, ideas, plans and goals. The possibilities are endless. Events spur conversations, which open you to new ways of expressing yourself. Your creative juices are flowing and you are no longer stuck in the mud. Innovation rules the day.
Gemini: A change in direction, motivated by a change in your philosophy of life; you’ve been thinking deep thoughts. You develop a deeper appreciation for the intellectual and the artistic. You maintain a juggling act between the public you and the private you. A career advance is in the offing. Take a good look at it before you jump for joy.
Cancer: The New Moon brings new ideas and questions around what you share in common with others. This could entail money, values or other resources. You ask a lot of questions and the Full Moon may bring you some much-needed answers. Certainly, there will be a lot of conversation over a wide range of subjects.
Leo: You question the people you are hanging out with these days. How did they get into your life and do you want them there? Those that survive your scrutiny are worthwhile to have in your life. The other type, you won’t miss as you did not need them. Some money issues arise but nothing you can’t handle.
Virgo: Your month starts off with some interesting conversations with the meaningful people in your life. A new relationship or an old one undergoing change are in the equation. Your daily routine requires effort on your part but hard work produces ample rewards. Conversations with authority figures prove fruitful.
Libra: Don’t let cash flow disruptions spoil your fun. Something unexpected there; you’ll survive. The fun and games continue and a relationship moves to another level. Hard to tell if one is ending or another beginning. You surprise yourself with what comes out of your mouth. Where did that come from?
Scorpio: You discover new ways to express yourself; more in tune with who and what you really are. Work and play entwine somehow and that’s ok with you. Someone in your sphere manages to shock you. Your personal space receives some attention, an uplift, remodel or simply straightening out some mess you have accumulated.
Sagittarius: While you stick to your home base you are still rocking and rolling along. Busy does not begin to describe it. You’re okay with that because these days you are a mover and a shaker. You get creative and innovative with everyday problems and snafus. Your solutions are practical and pragmatic.
Capricorn: Someone exciting enters your world. This could be hot and sizzling but not very stable. You’re okay with that right now as you know where you stand and what you value. Relationships are not your top priority at this time. You’re more interested in ideas and conversations that keep your life moving ahead. It’s a busy time for you.
Aquarius: As the month unfolds you have Venus, Mars and Saturn in your sign. A concentration of different energies makes your life interesting. Remember Saturn will not let you get away with ignoring necessities or taking shortcuts. Venus makes you attractive, while Mars can make you aggressive. Go to the gym and/or go dancing.
Pisces: While Jupiter and Neptune, your co-rulers, are in your sign, a feeling of euphoria envelops you. Jupiter, always the optimist, and Neptune throwing up smoke and mirrors, warn you to be sure you are taking care of business. Conversations within your circle keep you on track and in touch with reality. Disruptions in your routine keep you flexible.