Lunar Notes

Lunar Notes
March 2023

Aries: The Full Moon brings the urge to organize and rearrange your work and home space, as well as making adjustments in some relationships. This prepares you for a new season and a new you. The New Moon at the Spring Equinox plants the seeds of change within you. You’re ready for that change and take advantage of the energy swirling around you.

Taurus: This is a month full of contrasts for you with lots of fun and socializing with friends, old and new. You’re creative and use that creativity to solve any problems that arise. As the month progresses, you slow down and prefer the quiet times. An old friend returns, sparking an interest in the spiritual side of life. Some interesting conversations develop.

Gemini: Take advantage of the energy you feel now; by month’s end, you will not feel so energetic. Family, friends, and colleagues move in and out of your life. You have fun with some of them, take care of business with others, and have great conversations with most folks. You think about shifting direction, and make plans for the future.

Cancer: Lots of action going on as you connect with new friends, old friends, and exciting friends. Your focus shifts to the more public side of your life. Career and public standing take on new importance. The pace of life is hectic, so try and maintain a balance. Take a break when things become too much for you. An unusual friend pops in for a chat.

Leo: With big ideas for the future, you are reevaluating what is important to you. A friend becomes argumentative. Don’t take it to heart, it is their “stuff,” not yours. There is some friendly action going on and you derive intellectual stimulation from the conversations you are having with those around you. A surprise on the work front rocks the boat.

Virgo: A shift in your attitude about certain relationships in your life has you questioning their value. Things you tolerated in the past seem intolerable now. Think about things and have those much-needed conversations. This is a slow process you are going through. You need to allow time for your thoughts and feelings to gel.

Libra: After clearing out the emotional garbage you’ve been carrying around, you set the stage for a new beginning. As always, conversations with various folks in your life help you to clarify your thoughts. Relationships are important to you. You examine those relationships and how you relate, looking at the give and take of it all. You get some good advice along the way.

Scorpio: Your networking has paid off. You have new friends, professional contacts, and for some Scorpios, lovers. March brings a lot of socializing and fun stuff your way. You maintain pleasant relationships with colleagues. As the month draws to a close, you initiate new routines in your workplace and at home. This makes things easier for you.

Sagittarius: Balancing your public and private life becomes a juggling act. On the home front, some issues arise that you have been neglecting. If you have been doing regular maintenance, you may be able to skate through without too much cash flowing out. In the midst of all this you manage to enjoy the activities that you truly love. A creative spark is lit.

Capricorn: You always deal with practical matters. Mid-month brings a shift from worries about money to interesting conversations with many people who intrigue you. You relax a bit, because your financial situation is okay and the unusual people you encounter spark your creativity. Yes Capricorn, you are a creative being. Use that creativity to enhance your life.

Aquarius: You engage with those who share your interests and values. Your social life gets local and close-to-home during mid-March. With your wide variety of interests, group activities could include hiking, museums, board games and of course, political discussions. Intellectual stimulation is part of the equation when romance comes calling.

Pisces: In a relationship, the question becomes, “Who is in control?” Control is not your thing, nor do you want to be controlled. You have to consider what is important to you and what you can tolerate from another person. Stand up for yourself, but remember a healthy relationship involves a lot of give and take. One person should not be doing all the taking.