Aries: October will prove to be a month of conversations and mixed messages. Be clear with those you interact with, and make sure they are being clear with you. This is not about deliberate deception but more in line with fuzzy thinking. This is a good time for you to fine tune your thinking. Get clear. Clarity makes life easier.
Taurus: Don’t let the ups and downs of life rattle your cage. Change is inevitable and does not need to be traumatic. Put your thinking cap on and take a deep breath. You can navigate all of this by first figuring out what really matters to you. Try and learn to go with the flow. Recognize what is in your control and what is not.
Gemini: A light-hearted period unfolds for you. Pleasant people and pleasant social events fill your calendar. This does not quite bury the rumblings you are feeling bubbling up from your subconscious. There are things you need to examine within yourself. Some friends and acquaintances offer loving support.
Cancer: This month you feel a strong desire to stay close to home, or simply be in a place where you feel secure and grounded. Outside events may prevent you from doing that. Duty calls and you respond. A pleasant contact during your daily routine offers support and comfort helping you through the day.
Leo: You are one busy person during this period. Running around town, consulting with advisors, friends and neighbors about a number of issues and projects. You manage to fit some pleasant interludes into your schedule. A concert, a play or a simply dinner with romantic undertones. Change rumbles from on high.
Virgo: What comes to mind during this period is “that which is hidden”. Your ruler, Mercury, retrograde until the 18th, generates the energy for you to look within. Finance, daily routines, personal space and any other aspect of your life fall under your microscopic eye. Full Moon on the 20th brings out your passionate side.
Libra: Hello Libra! New Moon in your sign signifies a personal new year for you. Mars here provides energy but be sure you use that energy wisely. Your ruler, Venus, in the communication sector promises clear and pleasant conversations. Although things may not be clear until after the 18th when the smoke clears.
Scorpio: You keep things under wraps during this period as you probe the inner realms to find clarity and purpose. You examine your foundations, what it is that makes you feel secure and safe. Someone from the past offers a helping hand. Folks continue to surprise you with their erratic behavior. Month end brings a big reveal.
Sagittarius: Suddenly you are making a lot of new connections, friends, business and lost loves all pop up during this period. Venus in your sign attracts the pleasant and all good things to you. Be careful not to overindulge as Venus rules our desires. Desire is great. Be aware what too much of a good thing can bring.
Capricorn: So much going on with Capricorn, including the public you, the private you, your routine and what is near and dear to you. Some changes are deep and profound while others are mundane. Your thinking may become a bit foggy during this period but by Full Moon time your head is clear. Follow your heart.
Aquarius: You go from touchy-feely to full intellectual mode where you are much more comfortable. Your capabilities allow you to see the big picture and to see both sides of any philosophy or situation. This period brings much social interactions with friends, neighbors and love interests. You engage in whatever is fun for you.
Pisces: You dig deep, probing for the truth, for what matters and what is real for you. This may not be popular or in tune with current trends but it is uniquely and personally yours. And you own it. Do not despair, there is light at the end of the tunnel. The fog begins to lift mid to late month.