Aries: Routine, co-workers and relationships of all kinds take center stage during this period. Some folks aggravate you while others provide pleasant interactions. You find yourself doing more of the things you love with those pleasant people in your life. One in particular may evolve into a more romantic situation. Enjoy the ride and continue to socialize.
Taurus: Your plans for social events may involve the romantic or those simple enjoyments that feed your soul. A change in décor on the home front brings some color into your life. This may be something as simple as new curtains but it lifts your mood and brightens up your personal space. Efforts at work may meet with resistance. Persist!
Gemini: Projects close to home or in the home move forward now. Your social life picks up as well and you are on the go. You get passionate about the things and people you love. And you are determined to do those things that you love with those who share your interests. Pleasant conversations ensue as you welcome the fall season.
Cancer: The shift into fall brings busyness your way with lots of running around town and revamping of schedules. You are making a lot of new connections with people you don’t normally connect with. These new folks in your life open you up to new and different possibilities while providing you with interesting conversation.
Leo: The social whirl continues as you meet with people who love what you love. Money, while not a problem, requires some serious thought in order to maintain your lifestyle. You contemplate a change in your life’s direction as some unexpected events impact your working and public life. These events alter your routine and bring change to your work environment.
Virgo: The New Moon in Virgo signals a new beginning and change for you. While some folks in your life offer spiritual guidance others want to pin you down and restrict you. You’re all for order and tidiness but you insist on going your own way. Some people want you to go their way and you are having none of it. State your case plainly and firmly.
Libra: Your active social life does not prevent you from taking the time to pause and reflect. Answers and guidance come from within and you need this down time to listen to that inner voice. Some changes are coming your way that begin on a deep and subtle level. A lot of this change comes from you, the deep down you that is usually quiet in the background.
Scorpio: You move ahead with the help of friends and professional contacts. Your networking pays off in unexpected ways. At this time you are seen in a favorable light by those in authority. You engage with people who widen your horizons as well as shocking you with some outlandish behaviors. Reserve judgment until you have had time to think about these things.
Sagittarius: You focus on the direction your life is taking. Are you heading in the right direction? Only you can answer that. There is forward movement now and you need to take the time to stop and think about things. You find that a slight change is all you need now. Pay attention to responsibilities in the home. Make repairs in a timely manner.
Capricorn: You awaken to the spiritual aspects of life. Conversations around deep philosophical questions provide questions and answers in this deeper state of being. You are ever practical and remain grounded while exploring the mystical. Some unusual people may shock you while at the same time opening your heart and mind.
Aquarius: While money has never been a motivating factor with you, you do need to pay attention to these practical matters. That pesky budget needs to be followed. Papers need to be read and signed involving joint resources, insurance and/or taxes. Through all of this a romance or pleasant friendship forms.
Pisces: Relationships of all sorts occupy your time. Conversations with those in your life can be tedious, exciting, interesting and provide an opening for you to explore a wider world around you. You personally vacillate between the practical and the mystical. Both play an important role in your life at this time. Explore the spiritual but remain grounded in reality.