Got Beer?

Yet Another Awesome Local Brew

Let’s see what we’ve got this time, eh? ARyebeer? Oh, that’s so2011. Ablack IPA? Well fuggle me, that’s so 2010 I can’t even believe it. Then a Belgian Pale Ale… Well, I guess that’s not a super-trendy style, so I can’t really make fun of it. Besides, it’s not good to mock one’s sponsor, though that’s never stopped me before. Some might call me flippant, but I prefer to think of myself as irreverent.

Sierra NevadaRuthlessRye

I likeRyebeers. They’re usually a nice, light, crisp concoction that can really quench a thirst as well as excite the palate. And since the rye taste works so well with hops, I’ve noticedRyebeers are coming with more and more of an IPA profile. Well, leave it toSierra Nevadato jump on that train! Their Ruthless Rye is a delight for hop lovers, and citrusy summer beer lovers. You’ll recognize this one by the rustic label that features a picture of a woman in a field with a staff. I’m not sure if she’s there to harvest the rye or blight the land with black magic. If it’s the former, I get it. If it’s the latter, then she’s freakin’ hot! Anyway, this delightful brew soaks the palate with a pleasing array of hops covering all the bases, and doing it well, blending with the natural crispness of the rye. It might be another case of a Spring beer being released in January, but you won’t hear me complain.


Revival Double Black IPA

AKA Cascadian Dark Ale, which makes it sound like it comes from another planet, like Seti Alpha Acid 5. Yes, I’m a nerd, deal with it. In true Sean Larkin fashion, this brew is a real accomplishment. It’s already on tap at most of the usual spots for good beer, which is why I’m amazed I haven’t heard of it before. I’d heard Sean Larkin was starting his own microbrew, but you can’ get a true feeling of how epic this is until you try this beer. It’s got a great creamy head (insert joke here,) and you can almost taste the grains themselves beneath the incredible hop signature that blends pine and very slight hint of citrus. It’s sweet and hoppy and absolutely unbeatable. It’s got a kind of boxing theme to the label. But being a nerd, I don’t get it. But, being a beer nerd, you can rest assured that if I recommend something, it’s one freaking good beer. It’s also 8%, so don’t do as I did, and have one right after drinking a cup of coffee unless you like heading to the men’s room every 10 minutes.


Cyclone Series Sabrina

I was sworn to secrecy about this one when I tried the prototype brews, but now that it’s out, I can talk about it! This one is a Belgian Pale Ale, and you’ll pick up on that by the very first sip. It’s got the taste of a classic Belgian ale from the malts, with a distinct, but subtle hop flavor that one would associate with a pale ale. There’s a nice wheatiness to it that, again, is very good for Springtime weather, which we seem to be getting in fits and starts. While I did like some of the first draughts better, (get it?) I’ve still got nothing to complain about.