Spring’s arrival on March 20 brings more than the usual hopeful optimism that is typical of the season. Jupiter rising in the Equinox chart highlights trust — trust that all will be well. Hopefully that optimism will last because we have a few bumps in the road ahead. Mars, the planet of action, arguments and athleticism, makes its presence felt. Saturn and Uranus in aspect throughout the season create conflict between the traditional and the avant-garde. A Lunar and Solar Eclipse along with a Mercury retrograde period signals a period of ups and downs and all arounds.
The first Full Moon after the Equinox on March 28 has the Moon in relationships-oriented Libra opposing Venus in “go it alone” Aries. Venus in Aries can be a pioneer of sorts. Fiercely independent here could mean a breakup of some sorts. On the upside, it can signal a relationship that takes one into new territory.
In the first week of April leading up to the New Moon on April 11, Mars, the mixer-upper, squares off with Neptune. Mars rules, among other things, fever while Neptune rules strange viruses. While pandemic is on our mind and yes, there is a strong possibility for a spike in cases, new variants, etc., this combination can indicate other explosive activity. Neptune has dominion over the oceans, natural gas, oil refineries and pharmaceuticals. Mars is action and can light a match in the middle of a volatile situation.
The Full Moon of April 26 finds Sun in Taurus opposing Moon in Scorpio and both of them tied up with the great awakener Uranus, which, in turn, pulls sober Saturn into the picture. It is a mix of disparate energies that can shake up society and individuals on multiple levels. Social, political and economic issues are all thrown into the mix. The headlines will reflect this jumble of energy. Relationships, mutual agreements and home décor/repairs receive a jolt and require some expenditure of energy.
The New Moon on May 11 puts both Sun and Moon in Taurus. The energy is slow and steady. Taurus is known for loyalty and has the ability to stick it out. This lunation warns us not to get stuck in a rut. If change is in the air, give it a good look and modify those changes to suit you personally. Jupiter poised to move into Pisces on the 13th signals a major shift. Jupiter rules Pisces and here, that trust signaled at the start of the season, becomes faith. Jupiter in Pisces accentuates our spirituality and belief systems. With Neptune, co-ruler of Pisces in that sign, these energies become more important. With this combination, be sure to take off your rose-colored glasses. Deception is easy and the wise ones put on their skeptic’s hat.
The Full Moon on May 26 ushers in the eclipse season with a Lunar Eclipse along the Gemini/Sagittarius. Here Mercury slows down, getting ready to retrograde on the 29th. Get papers signed and deals made before that time. Eclipses signal change. Gemini and Sagittarius signs are mutable and like information. With Gemini, it is the normal, everyday back and forth of ideas and info. Sagittarius digs into those weighty tomes and pontificates upon weighty subjects. Philosophy, religion and law all fall under the Archer’s arrow. News of legal matters and legislation captures our attention.
Before the New Moon, Solar Eclipse on June 10, Mars in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn. This is a time when the shit hits the fan. At the Solar Eclipse, Neptune is at the top of the chart. The upside of this, we’re talking to God. The downside, we’ve fallen down the rabbit hole. Remember, Mercury is retrograde, believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.
The last major aspect before the season changes is between Saturn and Uranus. These two have been in play all season, but become exact on June 14. This is the energy that brought us the assault on the Capitol. While Uranus can be a game changer in a positive sense, the planet is really at home in the land of chaos. Saturn wants order and conformity — two very different energies in a combative stance. Events now will try our faith.
Jupiter starts us off during this spring with faith, hope and optimism. Hopefully its good qualities will carry us through.