
Summer in the Stars
Your Astrological Guide to Summer 2023

Summer begins when the Sun moves into the tropical sign of Cancer, this year it falls on June 21 at 10:57am EDT. Reading a horoscope set for that time provides clues as to what the season will bring. In horoscopes of this type, the reading is for the collective, not the individual. This branch of astrology is called Mundane, but it is definitely not boring. The Sun in these charts represents the head of state, the CEO, and authority figures of all types and stripes. At the time of this Solstice, the Sun is prominent in the 10th house. Here the Sun is comfortable and able to exert influence. The Moon represents the population as a whole. It rules public opinion and women in general. In the 12th, house of secrets, human rights, and covert activity, this indicates that the public’s true opinion is hidden and it would be wise to not pay too much attention to the pundits, polls, and politicians. The Moon is joined by Venus and Mars running together in Leo. Mars makes war, Venus makes love. Close together like this, their energies are blended and modified. Mars is in a combative dynamic with Uranus. This combination can bring unpleasant events. Fights, violent weather, eruptions, and disruptions. Venus tags along, trying to make peace and offering diplomatic solutions. 

At the Full Moon on July 3, the critical period is behind us. Venus following behind Mars acts as peacemaker and pacifier. She’s a diplomat and in Leo, she’s also a star. Women in diplomatic positions provide calm and practical solutions. At this time, Moon is in practical, down-to-earth Capricorn. Ruling our emotions, we are more likely to use logic, not feelings, to solve our problems. At the 3rd Quarter Moon on July 9 in Aries, people are more apt to shoot their mouths off and act impulsively. Venus and Mars, still together, offer relationship advice. This is the time to be assertive, not aggressive, remain calm, get your point across, and come to an agreement.


The New Moon in Cancer on July 17 has Mercury at the top of the chart. Now public opinion will be heard. With Mars in Virgo opposing Saturn in Pisces the issue may revolve around public health. This is not a fun combination. Those in authority may face opposition. This is the time to take practical steps. Not giant steps, but incremental changes that you can measure, no matter how minute. Perseverance wins the day. 

At the 1st Quarter Moon on July 25, Venus has turned retrograde in Leo, and Mars has pulled ahead in Virgo. Venus will be retrograde until September 15. Venus rules love and money. Retrograde periods are times of rethinking, revising, and reviewing. Flaws in relationships surface now, bringing second thoughts. It does not always mean an end to a relationship; a simple realignment or adjustment may be in order. Figure out where you stand and let the other person know. The same is true of budgets and money handling. This is a good time to think about how to straighten these matters out. Take a good look, redirecting funds and spending may be in order. 

At the Full Moon on August 1, the energy has shifted with the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius. There’s an international flavor in the air as we bring the foreign home and into our neighborhood. While windy weather may dominate, some of us may have to suffer through long-winded speeches or get stuck sitting next to some windbag who never gets to the point. Once again, health issues rise having to do with public health and/or health insurance. Whatever, the subject comes up. Locally we’ll all be running around town connecting with our tribe. Venus is still retrograde so relationship and financial review is still on the agenda. 

The 3rd Quarter Moon on August 8 brings a change in public opinion as authority figures make not-so-secret deals. Different and various voices are heard. Here again, public opinion will confound the punsters and pollsters. Women and women’s issues gain air time. Security and safety are important for many and folks work to shore up their support systems. For some of us it may simply mean changing the locks. 

The Leo New Moon on August 16 signals a return to optimism. While finances and personal relationships are under scrutiny, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Once again women take the lead in political issues and diplomatic situations. 

As we approach the 1st Quarter Moon, Mars stirs it up with Neptune on Aug 22 which could create some explosive events, and Mercury goes retrograde on the 23. This will be a very busy couple of days. Get all papers signed and decisions made before Aug 23. After that, with both Venus and Mercury retrograde, it is a good time to have those conversations that address ongoing issues. At this Moon phase, the energy shifts again with the Sun in earthy, practical Virgo and the Moon in freewheeling Sagittarius. Folks are flexible under this energy and bounce from business to pleasure. 

The second Full Moon in August, on the 30th, falls across the Virgo/Pisces axis. The Virgo/Pisces energy often concerns itself with physical and mental health. Take the time to enjoy some leisurely activities. Give yourself a mini break. The planetary atmosphere prompts us to do something we truly enjoy. Take advantage of that energy. 

The 3rd Quarter Moon on September 6 is in Gemini. Gemini Moon encourages conversation, exploration, and engaging in a variety of activities. People are easily bored under this influence and are looking for distractions. Venus, having turned direct on the 3rd brings resolution to our money and relationship issues. Conversation become light and lively. 

The final New Moon of the summer season occurs on September 14. Mercury stands still in the sky, or seems to, in preparation for a change in direction on the 15. Mercury direct brings new information to the surface. Under this New Moon expect some kind of show down or power play both personal and public. Expect the unexpected around this time. Could be a shocker. With both Mercury and Venus now direct it is full steam ahead. People, projects, and plans break through any obstructions that have blocked the way. Use the new information that has surfaced and set your own personal course of action. Be sure to wait until after the New Moon to take action. 

This Summer of 2023 we will see some extremes in weather across the globe. We become very aware that we are all connected as international affairs come to roost on our doorstep. Treaties, border disputes, and weather that impacts agriculture, heightens our awareness of just how small the world is. Locally those border disputes may involve your neighbors’ backyard fence. We’ll know who our enemies are as they will be up front and personal, while our friendships may not be so overt. But they are steadfast nonetheless. Remain flexible and keep an open mind and heart. We live in turbulent times and keeping ourselves grounded and centered allows us to weather the storm.