
Wine in the Sunshine
A summer guide to wine

Ralph Waldo Emerson once notably wrote, “Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink in the wild air.” Now, I know starting the article off like this is risky and makes me sound like I’m about to give a high school graduation speech but, truth be told, it’s a quote that perfectly encapsulates summers in New England, and is the inspiration for this year’s summertime wine recommendations. So, if you’ve made it this far, let’s jump in, shall we?


We all look forward to the days when it’s no longer necessary to shovel ourselves out of our driveways, but even I, a staunch supporter of all things warm weather, can admit there are some days that are just too damn hot. The type of days where you get in your car and the dashboard reads 103 degrees and the air is so thick you feel like you’re chewing on it are the ones that definitely require a refreshing, cold bevy to sip on. 

Rosés were made for days like this, and the Schlossmuhlenhoff Pinke Pinke is at the top of its class. Tropical notes of passionfruit and guava mix with subtle undertones of juicy watermelon and strawberries, resulting in a fruit-packed picnic for your palate. Biodynamically grown, hand-harvested grapes of Muller-Thurgau, Gelber Muskateller and Sankt Laurent make up this bright and playful German guzzler. Definitely recommend pairing this one with dipping your toes in the pool, light, fresh salads and all things citrusy. 

Too much of a scorcher outside to even consider making something in the kitchen? Don’t worry, this wine is so quaffable you can order your favorite takeout and it’ll leave you feeling like a too-hot-to-handle day seemed beautiful when you look back at it with rosé-colored glasses. 


The best days of summer are spent with the smell of Coppertone wafting through the air and the silky, warm sand between your toes as you lounge on the beach with your sticky, sun-kissed skin after a cool dip in the Atlantic. The blazing summer sun and inescapable humidity corner us into two requirements that will forever be true for the months of June through August: you should either be in a body of water or have a body of water in you (hydration is key, folx!). 

When you can’t do the former, there’s no better warm-weather whistle-wetter than the “Ammonite” Cremant, an organic offering from Alexandre Monmousseau. Pop this cork and pucker up to a zippy little sparkling wine from Loire country that is packed with zesty citrus notes of lime, perfectly ripened peach, mouth-watering acidity and a long, toasty finish that will have you coming back for a second (and third?) pour. Comprised of mostly cool climate Chenin Blanc, the Ammonite’s inherent minerality and salinity will leave you feeling as refreshed as the aforementioned dip in the ocean. Feel free to pair this bubbly beauty with pretty much any lighter fare but especially try it with oysters, salads or fresh melons. 


Those of us who are pro-summer sometimes have the Achilles’ Heel of romanticizing the season. We reflect on years past when the grade school breaks seemed like an eternity and memories of cookouts and porch time with friends cloud the reality that some days are just plain crappy. Without fail, we all race to pack away our heavy coats and sweatshirts and are inevitably slapped with the harsh, fickle weather that RI is known to inundate us with. You know the days I’m talking about, the ones where you wake up and it’s eighty-five degrees, nary a cloud in the sky and by noon it’s grey, windy and the crisp chill that’s reminiscent of fall envelops you like the Snuggie you donned all winter long. 

These days are the reason you always keep a lighter-bodied red on hand to help warm up those bones without feeling like you’re back to the four o’clock sunset days. Angelo Negro Brachetto is exactly the wine you reach for on days like this. This Brachetto isn’t the typical Piedmont offering you’d find from most producers, it’s a modernized approach to a centuries-old grape that has been rumored to be Cleopatra’s fave and I gotta say, the girl has good taste. It’s inviting from the very moment you lay eyes on it, with its cherry hues and subtle cloudiness to match the humdrum weather that’s bound to happen. Floral notes of roses and dried violets dance up from the glass, while juicy red fruit flavors like wild cherries and pomegranate wash over your palate, leaving you feeling oh so satisfied. Pair this with grilled pizzas, hamburgers, hard cheese or, if you’re feeling like channeling Cleopatra, just throw on some winged eyeliner and spend the night fending off would-be suitors on Tinder. 

No matter your beverage of choice, be sure to take the time to fill your mind with great memories that will last… long after the bottles are empty. 

Colleen Arruda is the resident wine expert at High Spirits liquors in PVD.